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Nursery Classroom
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At ESMS Junior School children take part in a wide variety of sports, whether they want to compete in local or national competitions or simply have fun with their friends, there are lots of opportunities to learn and develop a range of physical skills.

The broad range of sports we offer ensures that every child is able to find a sport they love and the large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions.

Just some of the teams we offer in the Junior School include eight rugby teams with over 100 boys regularly being involved on Saturday mornings, six cricket teams, five football teams, four netball teams, eight hockey teams for girls and we are now growing the number of hockey teams for boys too. Our most recent competition wins include:
Football: Primary 7 boys were the winners of the Inspector’s Cup for the 6th year running
Swimming: The Junior School girls and boys won their respective Edinburgh Schools' swimming championships
Hockey: The Primary 7A and 7B teams won their respective tournaments in a schools' tour to Blackpool
Cross Country: both Primary 6 and Primary 7 boys were winners of the City of Edinburgh Cross Country League, a competition that has over 100 schools competing
Cross Country: Primary 5 girls won the City of Edinburgh Cross Country League

We are proud of the incredible feats that so many of our pupils achieve in sport but our main priority is to help every pupil, whatever their level of skill, find a sport they love to play and learn important lessons about winning with grace and overcoming disappointment.
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ESMS Junior School has a thriving aquatics programme which allows our children to pursue their passion and fulfil their potential. We provide swimming lessons in our 25m, five lane pool and we also run an after-school Swimming Club, to help swimmers improve stroke technique and stamina. Regular swimming galas encourage team spirit and we were delighted to see our girls and boys teams win the last Edinburgh Schools' Swimming Championships.
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ESMS puts pastoral care at the centre of everything we do because we know that when children feel happy, safe and secure they are far more likely to thrive. We keep our teacher and pupil ratios small and we take the time to build strong relationships with every child so that we get to know them personally and understand how to support and nurture them.

We work together as a family with every member of staff in the Nursery and Junior School taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the children in our care. This helps our children to develop vital personal qualities such as resilience and self-belief which will help them to deal with the challenges they encounter both in childhood and later as adults.

We offer regular parent consultations and our door is always open for parents to come in for a chat. We also provide an extensive range of workshops with child development experts, such as Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, to help give parents additional tools to support their children at home.
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ESMS puts pastoral care at the centre of everything we do because we know that when children feel happy, safe and secure they are far more likely to thrive. We keep our teacher and pupil ratios small and we take the time to build strong relationships with every child so that we get to know them personally and understand how to support and nurture them.

We work together as a family with every member of staff in the Nursery and Junior School taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the children in our care. This helps our children to develop vital personal qualities such as resilience and self-belief which will help them to deal with the challenges they encounter both in childhood and later as adults.

We offer regular parent consultations and our door is always open for parents to come in for a chat. We also provide an extensive range of workshops with child development experts, such as Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, to help give parents additional tools to support their children at home.

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Every child is different and as a result, each will have their own preferred style and pace of learning. At ESMS our educational provision enables every child to achieve their full academic potential. The Support for Learning Department helps children of all intellectual abilities through small group teaching and in-class support. The type of support we offer is varied and flexible to allow us to address the needs of all our children.
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Every child is different and as a result, each will have their own preferred style and pace of learning. At ESMS our educational provision enables every child to achieve their full academic potential. The Support for Learning Department helps children of all intellectual abilities through small group teaching and in-class support. The type of support we offer is varied and flexible to allow us to address the needs of all our children.
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From Primary 4 we offer over 100 clubs and societies to provide children with opportunities to have fun, develop new talents and make new friends. We encourage pupils to take part in at least one activity but many join several. They range from Chess, Lego and Flashdance to Choir and Skiing.
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Our Dining Hall is one of the most popular rooms in the school cooking up delicious, nutritious meals for lunch every day. Our menus change every week, offering children lots of choice and all the nutrients they need. Meatballs, pasta napolitana, roast chicken and fish and chips are particular favourites in the Junior School. We introduce children to cooking from all over the world but we source 90% of our food from around Scotland, as sustainably as possible.

Specific individual dietary requirements are also catered for.
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Our children love lunchtime when hot meals are served in our new family-style dining rooms. The children eat and chat around a table, just as they would at home. Our menus encourage healthy eating and our staff sit down with the children at mealtimes to encourage good manners and foster a positive relationship with food.
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Our committed class teachers are our greatest asset. The passion they bring into school each day extends far beyond the curriculum, inspiring our children to be curious, innovative thinkers. Class teachers are also very involved in extra-curricular activities which creates the strong relationships you will see between the children and their teachers.

We also have a number of specialised staff in the Junior school including Music, Digital Learning, PE, French, Drama, Art and Outdoor Learning teachers.
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Our committed class teachers are our greatest asset. The passion they bring into school each day extends far beyond the curriculum, inspiring our children to be curious, innovative thinkers. Class teachers are also very involved in extra-curricular activities which creates the strong relationships you will see between the children and their teachers.

We also have a number of specialised staff in the Junior school including Music, Digital Learning, PE, French, Drama, Art and Outdoor Learning teachers.
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Science is taught throughout the Junior School from Nursery to Primary 7. By the time our children reach the top of the Junior School they are working in a Senior School Science laboratory with a qualified Senior School specialist teacher and technician.

The children learn how to use bunsen burners, test tubes and chemicals as well as how to be safe in laboratories. They are also taught about the differences between Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Amongst the scientific topics encountered in Primary 7 is a CSI Unit about stolen items and a ransom note! This incorporates scientific methods of study, including the analysis of hair samples and fingerprints as well as the use of chromatography to differentiate between different types of inks.
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The education we provide at ESMS Junior School is sector leading. Our broad curriculum gives children extraordinary opportunities to excel. It is best described by our school tree which has our school values as its roots and three interconnected branches, representing the equal prominence we give to curricular, extra-curricular and pastoral care. We put traditional values, good handwriting, spelling and grammar at the heart of our curriculum but we are also leading the way in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Mathematics and Numeracy are taught as separate subjects and we integrate them where appropriate, including across the curriculum in areas such as mapping skills in Geography and spreadsheets in Digital Learning. We allocate children to broad ability sets in Mathematics from Primary 4 to help give children of all levels of mathematical ability confidence and competence in all areas of Mathematics and Numeracy.

Reading at ESMS is about much more than just decoding words. Children are taught to read aloud with fluency, to understand the importance of phonic knowledge and how to apply it. They are introduced to a variety of authors, including Shakespeare and a variety of styles and genres.
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Welcome to our Nursery. Based at our Ravelston site in the West End of Edinburgh, our Nursery girls and boys learn in a happy, caring, imaginative environment. Our superbly equipped Nursery is set in extensive, leafy grounds where the children have access to woodland areas, a maze and an orchard where children embrace outdoor learning.

We also make use of the grounds at Ravelston for PE, including our Sports Day, treasure hunts, Forest Kindergarten and Forest School.
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ESMS has been a pioneer with digital learning across the curriculum long before lockdown. Every classroom is fitted with interactive panels, we bring lessons to life using virtual reality headsets, iPads, laptops, PCs and Chromebooks. Support for Learning staff use a range of digital tools, such as the dictate function, to help level the playing field for children who benefit from different learning approaches.

Our Head of eLearning has been recognised on the 2020 Edtech 50 List for his pioneering use of educational technology and he works closely with all our Junior School colleagues to ensure our children are equipped with ‘future-ready’ skills.

Virtual reality is enabling us to enhance the learning experience of every child in the Schools, in a truly multi-sensory and immersive approach. Most children have to imagine what the Amazon looks and feels like but when our children study Rainforests in P3 they are able to use virtual reality to climb into the heart of a Rainforest. Our Head of eLearning is even able to explain the concept of psychosomatics when the children find themselves ‘feeling’ the heat and intense atmosphere of the Amazon.
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Beyond the Curriculum
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Book Week at ESMS
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Dining Hall
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ESMS Diamond Structure
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First Responders
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Forest Kindergarten
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Games Hall
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Nursery - Primary 3 PE
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Nursery Garden
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Nursery Room
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Nurture Space
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Outdoor Education at ESMS
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Reid House Recital Room
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The Tom Fleming Centre
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Tom Fleming Centre
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Tom Fleming Centre
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Tom Fleming Centre
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Tom Fleming Centre
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Tom Fleming Centre
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Tom Fleming Centre
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Virtual Reality
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Welcome to Nursery to Primary 3
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Why I love Music at ESMS
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Contact Us
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Contact Us
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The education we provide at ESMS Junior School is sector leading. Our broad curriculum gives children extraordinary opportunities to discover and develop their natural talents from the moment they join our Nursery.

We put traditional values and core skills, such as numeracy, reading, spelling, grammar and handwriting at the heart of our curriculum but we are also leading the way in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Our committed class teachers are our greatest asset. The passion they bring into school each day extends far beyond the curriculum, inspiring our children to be curious, innovative thinkers. In addition to Mathematics and English Language they also provide Art Lessons, Learning For Life and Topic Lessons which cover a range of Humanity subjects. Children are also taught by specialised staff for Music, Digital Learning, French, PE, Drama and Outdoor Learning. This approach allows us to introduce children to a range of new experiences from an early age.
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Primary 4 - Primary 7 After School Club
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ESMS Junior School Nursery – Primary 7

We would love to show you around our School in person. Contact us at any time to have a chat or book a personal tour of our schools.

To find out more about our Nursery and Junior School and how to apply please contact our Admissions Manager, Mrs Hannah Ireland, at jsadmissions@esms.org.uk or call +44 (0)131 347 5777.
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ESMS Junior School Nursery – Primary 7

We would love to show you around our School in person. Contact us at any time to have a chat or book a personal tour of our schools.

To find out more about our Nursery and Junior School and how to apply please contact our Admissions Manager, Mrs Hannah Ireland, at jsadmissions@esms.org.uk or call +44 (0)131 347 5777.
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At ESMS Junior School Outdoor Learning starts in Nursery and is lead by qualified members of staff. Throughout the Junior School the children take part in a wide range of outdoor activities from ‘welly walks’ and adventures around our extensive grounds, to residential field trips, which start in Primary 4. While children are having fun exploring the world around them they are also developing confidence, learning how to assess risk and building essential life skills, from problem solving and resilience to teamwork.
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At ESMS Junior School children take part in a wide variety of sports, whether they want to compete in local or national competitions or simply have fun with their friends, there are lots of opportunities to learn and develop a range of physical skills.

The broad range of sports we offer ensures that every child is able to find a sport they love and the large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions.

Just some of the teams we offer in the Junior School include eight rugby teams with over 100 boys regularly being involved on Saturday mornings, six cricket teams, five football teams, four netball teams, eight hockey teams for girls and we are now growing the number of hockey teams for boys too.
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At ESMS Junior School the children take part in a wide range of outdoor activities and residential field trips from age 3 upwards. From Forest Kindergarten and Forest School, to the JASS awards scheme, the Junior equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh Award, as well as residential camps from Primary 4 onwards, children build confidence and have fun with their friends in the great outdoors.
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At ESMS, we’ve looked to integrate VR across all areas, from Primary 1 upwards.

For a few years now, we have been using VR to overcome barriers of geography and logistics. For example, our P6s were able to virtually visit Culloden Battlefield and The Soldier’s Leap at Killiecrankie as part of their Jacobites topic.

In a similar vein, we also undertook a virtual tour of the island castle on Loch Leven where Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned. This offered many of the same benefits students would have had from a physical visit – an engaging experience of the location that could provide them with important context.

Enhancing empathy, building respect for other cultures, providing access to the otherwise inaccessible, visualising work that students have created themselves – VR has enabled us to do all of this, while offering new experiences, new ways of exploring topics and new forms of learning.

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Beyond the curriculum our Junior School children at Ravelston are given an extensive range of experiences and opportunities to widen their outlook and discover new passions. There is always something exciting happening at Ravelston. In Nursery, themed events such as Book Week, Safety Week and Health Week include firefighters, storytellers and Olympians to share their skills and spark curiosity. Children are visited by charities, mad scientists, owls, authors and even dragons and magic carpets.

Trips to ruined castles, busy lifeboats stations or beaches teaming with wildlife are just a few of the exciting opportunities our children benefit from in the Junior School at Ravelston.

Performing to an audience is an important part of building confidence. Nursery children take part in our Nativity performance at Christmas time and all children sing and perform at our Christmas Service. There is a School Choir for all Primary 3 children who are also offered instrumental lessons. All children present to parents, culminating in the Primary 3 Show.
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ESMS Children came together to continue to practise and play music from home during lockdown. Seventy children from Primary 4 – Primary 7 rehearsed this, “For the First Responders” piece using an online piano track and then each filmed their individual parts from home.
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ESMS Principal, Mrs Linda Moule, explains why she believes the ESMS diamond structure is the best way to educate children.
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ESMS have developed flexible, wraparound childcare solutions to suit each family’s needs both during term time and school holidays, providing care in our purpose-built wraparound care centres.

The wraparound care service can be pictured like that of a jigsaw. Parents are given the opportunity to build up their own care provision according to their family needs. This can incorporate a mixture of Early Birds, Extended Day and After School Club.

The ESMS Holiday Club is ideal for half terms and long holidays when it is not always possible to take a break from work commitments.

With painting, baking, reading and visits to local attractions during the holidays and much, much more, there is always something on offer in both term time and holiday periods.
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Most of our PE is taught outside in the fresh air by specialist teachers from the Nursery onwards. Our goal is to inspire children to enjoy being active. The PE programme focuses on learning to move and moving to learn by developing fundamental movement patterns and core skills and applying them to a variety of games contexts. In addition to the physical skills the children learn they also gain confidence and interpersonal skills by working as a team.
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Our Nine School Values lie at the heart of everything we do at ESMS: Integrity, Responsibility, Grace, Enthusiasm, Appreciation, Confidence, Commitment, Respect and Kindness. These Values are taught from Nursery and help to shape the characters of our children and to create the happy and positive environment of which we are so proud.
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Our School Libraries are magical places with an extensive range of books that spark the imagination and inspire a love of reading. Every year, Book Week is cause for a big celebration in School with visits from authors, treasure hunts, messages from fairies and dress-up day where everyone dresses as their favourite book characters.
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Our children love being outside in the secure outdoor learning environment of the Nursery Garden. There’s so much for the children to explore including the mud kitchen and digging pit, taking part in construction challenges with Loose Parts and experimentation and play with sand and water. There is a hard surface for riding bikes and scooters, as well as a playhouse, slide, tunnels and bridges which encourage imaginative adventures!
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Our children love lunchtime when hot meals are served in our new family-style dining rooms. The children eat and chat around a table, just as they would at home. Our menus encourage healthy eating and our staff sit down with the children at mealtimes to encourage good manners and foster a positive relationship with food.
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Over 600 ESMS Junior School children are actively involved on a regular basis in one or more of our many choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands and almost 300 specialist instrumental lessons are provided each week on 29 different instruments.

There are also a wide range of opportunities to perform externally with children from the schools appearing as the official The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Choir for seven years. Children from the Junior School have also performed nearly 800 times in professional West End touring musicals and international operas.
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P7 pupil, Alexandra, explains what she loves about Music at ESMS.
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Recent shows the Junior School have performed in school include Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast and Madagascar. Getting involved in these performances helps children grow in confidence, both on and off the stage.

Large numbers of our children also continue to feature in national tours of West End musicals and international events. The ESMS Junior School is now privileged to be the ‘go to’ school for professional companies, thanks to the wonderful facilities and talented staff who oversee our Music and Drama provision. Unique opportunities are offered annually and create memories which last a lifetime. Our Junior School children regularly perform in professional shows such as ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ in the Edinburgh Playhouse.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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Welcome to Nursery to Primary 3. Children from Nursery to Primary 3 are taught in a happy, stimulating and welcoming environment. From the very first day that your child crosses the threshold of our school, we will get to know them individually and help them to be the best they can be as they become important members of our school community.

Each child identifies with their own class and has their own year group play areas where they mix only with children of the same age.

We pay careful attention to the individual personalities of every child, helping the boisterous to channel their energies constructively and encouraging the shy to blossom. We want to instil in every child a sense of wonder and excitement and develop their self-confidence, their imagination and their spirit of adventure.

Our key ambition is that every day, every child should be able to go home and say, 'I loved school today.'
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Welcome to our Nursery. Based at our Ravelston site in the West End of Edinburgh, our Nursery girls and boys learn in a happy, caring, imaginative environment. Our superbly equipped Nursery is set in extensive, leafy grounds where the children have access to woodland areas, a maze and an orchard where children embrace outdoor learning.

We also make use of the grounds at Ravelston for PE, including our Sports Day, treasure hunts, Forest Kindergarten and Forest School.
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At ESMS Junior School Outdoor Learning starts in Nursery and is lead by qualified members of staff. Throughout the Junior School the children take part in a wide range of outdoor activities from ‘welly walks’ and adventures around our extensive grounds, to residential field trips, which start in Primary 4. While children are having fun exploring the world around them they are also developing confidence, learning how to assess risk and building essential life skills, from problem solving and resilience to teamwork.
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At ESMS Junior School children take part in a wide variety of sports, whether they want to compete in local or national competitions or simply have fun with their friends, there are lots of opportunities to learn and develop a range of physical skills.
The broad range of sports we offer ensures that every child is able to find a sport they love and the large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions.

Just some of the teams we offer in the Junior School include eight rugby teams with over 100 boys regularly being involved on Saturday mornings, six cricket teams, five football teams, four netball teams, eight hockey teams for girls and we are now growing the number of hockey teams for boys too.
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At ESMS Junior School the children take part in a wide range of outdoor activities and residential field trips from age 3 upwards. From Forest Kindergarten and Forest School, to the JASS awards scheme, the Junior equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh Award, as well as residential camps from Primary 4 onwards, children build confidence and have fun with their friends in the great outdoors.
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At ESMS, we’ve looked to integrate VR across all areas, from Primary 1 upwards.

For a few years now, we have been using VR to overcome barriers of geography and logistics. For example, our P6s were able to virtually visit Culloden Battlefield and The Soldier’s Leap at Killiecrankie as part of their Jacobites topic.

In a similar vein, we also undertook a virtual tour of the island castle on Loch Leven where Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned. This offered many of the same benefits students would have had from a physical visit – an engaging experience of the location that could provide them with important context.

Enhancing empathy, building respect for other cultures, providing access to the otherwise inaccessible, visualising work that students have created themselves – VR has enabled us to do all of this, while offering new experiences, new ways of exploring topics and new forms of learning.
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Beyond the curriculum our Junior School children at Ravelston are given an extensive range of experiences and opportunities to widen their outlook and discover new passions. There is always something exciting happening at Ravelston. In Nursery, themed events such as Book Week, Safety Week and Health Week include firefighters, storytellers and Olympians to share their skills and spark curiosity. Children are visited by charities, mad scientists, owls, authors and even dragons and magic carpets.

Trips to ruined castles, busy lifeboats stations or beaches teaming with wildlife are just a few of the exciting opportunities our children benefit from in the Junior School at Ravelston.

Performing to an audience is an important part of building confidence. Nursery children take part in our Nativity performance at Christmas time and all children sing and perform at our Christmas Service. There is a School Choir for all Primary 3 children who are also offered instrumental lessons. All children present to parents, culminating in the Primary 3 Show.

Outdoor Learning is also an important part of school life for all children. They love putting on their wellies and going on adventures, building confidence and learning essential life skills, as they explore the world around them.
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ESMS Children came together to continue to practise and play music from home during lockdown. Seventy children from Primary 4 – Primary 7 rehearsed this, “For the First Responders” piece using an online piano track and then each filmed their individual parts from home.
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ESMS Principal, Mrs Linda Moule, explains why she believes the ESMS diamond structure is the best way to educate children.
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ESMS have developed flexible, wraparound childcare solutions to suit each family’s needs both during term time and school holidays, providing care in our purpose-built wraparound care centres.

The wraparound care service can be pictured like that of a jigsaw. Parents are given the opportunity to build up their own care provision according to their family needs. This can incorporate a mixture of Early Birds, Extended Day and After School Club.

The ESMS Holiday Club is ideal for half terms and long holidays when it is not always possible to take a break from work commitments.

With painting, baking, reading and visits to local attractions during the holidays and much, much more, there is always something on offer in both term time and holiday periods.
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Most of our PE is taught outside in the fresh air by specialist teachers from the Nursery onwards. Our goal is to inspire children to enjoy being active. The PE programme focuses on learning to move and moving to learn by developing fundamental movement patterns and core skills and applying them to a variety of games contexts. In addition to the physical skills the children learn they also gain confidence and interpersonal skills by working as a team.
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Our Nine School Values lie at the heart of everything we do at ESMS: Integrity, Responsibility, Grace, Enthusiasm, Appreciation, Confidence, Commitment, Respect and Kindness. These Values are taught from Nursery and help to shape the characters of our children and to create the happy and positive environment of which we are so proud.
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Our School Libraries are magical places with an extensive range of books that spark the imagination and inspire a love of reading. Every year, Book Week is cause for a big celebration in School with visits from authors, treasure hunts, messages from fairies and dress-up day where everyone dresses as their favourite book characters.
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Our children love being outside in the secure outdoor learning environment of the Nursery Garden. There’s so much for the children to explore including the mud kitchen and digging pit, taking part in construction challenges with Loose Parts and experimentation and play with sand and water. There is a hard surface for riding bikes and scooters, as well as a playhouse, slide, tunnels and bridges which encourage imaginative adventures!
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Our children love lunchtime when hot meals are served in our new family-style dining rooms. The children eat and chat around a table, just as they would at home. Our menus encourage healthy eating and our staff sit down with the children at mealtimes to encourage good manners and foster a positive relationship with food.
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Over 600 ESMS Junior School children are actively involved on a regular basis in one or more of our many choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands and almost 300 specialist instrumental lessons are provided each week on 29 different instruments.

There are also a wide range of opportunities to perform externally with children from the schools appearing as the official The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Choir for seven years. Children from the Junior School have also performed nearly 800 times in professional West End touring musicals and international operas.
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P7 pupil, Alexandra, explains what she loves about Music at ESMS.
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Recent shows the Junior School have performed in school include Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast and Madagascar. Getting involved in these performances helps children grow in confidence, both on and off the stage.

Large numbers of our children also continue to feature in national tours of West End musicals and international events. The ESMS Junior School is now privileged to be the ‘go to’ school for professional companies, thanks to the wonderful facilities and talented staff who oversee our Music and Drama provision. Unique opportunities are offered annually and create memories which last a lifetime. Our Junior School children regularly perform in professional shows such as ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ in the Edinburgh Playhouse.
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We have first class facilities for music and the performing arts including our state-of-the-art Tom Fleming Centre as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session. This includes the Junior Kaleidoscope dance show where children perform many different dance genres and styles.
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Welcome to Nursery to Primary 3. Children from Nursery to Primary 3 are taught in a happy, stimulating and welcoming environment. From the very first day that your child crosses the threshold of our school, we will get to know them individually and help them to be the best they can be as they become important members of our school community.

Each child identifies with their own class and has their own year group play areas where they mix only with children of the same age.

We pay careful attention to the individual personalities of every child, helping the boisterous to channel their energies constructively and encouraging the shy to blossom. We want to instil in every child a sense of wonder and excitement and develop their self-confidence, their imagination and their spirit of adventure.

Our key ambition is that every day, every child should be able to go home and say, 'I loved school today.'
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Welcome to our Nursery. Based at our Ravelston site in the West End of Edinburgh, our Nursery girls and boys learn in a happy, caring, imaginative environment. Our superbly equipped Nursery is set in extensive, leafy grounds where the children have access to woodland areas, a maze and an orchard where children embrace outdoor learning.

We also make use of the grounds at Ravelston for PE, including our Sports Day, treasure hunts, Forest Kindergarten and Forest School.
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We would love to show you around our School in person. Contact us at any time to have a chat or book a personal tour of our schools.

To find out more about our Nursery and Junior School and how to apply please contact our Admissions Manager, Mrs Hannah Ireland, at jsadmissions@esms.org.uk or call
+44 (0)131 347 5777.
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At ESMS Junior School children take part in a wide variety of sports, whether they want to compete in local or national competitions or simply have fun with their friends, there are lots of opportunities to learn and develop a range of physical skills.

The broad range of sports we offer ensures that every child is able to find a sport they love and the large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions.

Just some of the teams we offer in the Junior School include eight rugby teams with over 100 boys regularly being involved on Saturday mornings, six cricket teams, five football teams, four netball teams, eight hockey teams for girls and we are now growing the number of hockey teams for boys too. Our most recent competition wins include:
Football: Primary 7 boys were the winners of the Inspector’s Cup for the 6th year running
Swimming: The Junior School girls and boys won their respective Edinburgh Schools' swimming championships
Hockey: The Primary 7A and 7B teams won their respective tournaments in a schools' tour to Blackpool
Cross Country: both Primary 6 and Primary 7 boys were winners of the City of Edinburgh Cross Country League, a competition that has over 100 schools competing
Cross Country: Primary 5 girls won the City of Edinburgh Cross Country League

We are proud of the incredible feats that so many of our pupils achieve in sport but our main priority is to help every pupil, whatever their level of skill, find a sport they love to play and learn important lessons about winning with grace and overcoming disappointment.
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ESMS Junior School has a thriving aquatics programme which allows our children to pursue their passion and fulfil their potential. We provide swimming lessons in our 25m, five lane pool and we also run an after-school Swimming Club, to help swimmers improve stroke technique and stamina. Regular swimming galas encourage team spirit and we were delighted to see our girls and boys teams win the last Edinburgh Schools' Swimming Championships.

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ESMS puts pastoral care at the centre of everything we do because we know that when children feel happy, safe and secure they are far more likely to thrive. We keep our teacher and pupil ratios small and we take the time to build strong relationships with every child so that we get to know them personally and understand how to support and nurture them.

We work together as a family with every member of staff in the Nursery and Junior School taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the children in our care. This helps our children to develop vital personal qualities such as resilience and self-belief which will help them to deal with the challenges they encounter both in childhood and later as adults.

We offer regular parent consultations and our door is always open for parents to come in for a chat. We also provide an extensive range of workshops with child development experts, such as Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, to help give parents additional tools to support their children at home.

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ESMS puts pastoral care at the centre of everything we do because we know that when children feel happy, safe and secure they are far more likely to thrive. We keep our teacher and pupil ratios small and we take the time to build strong relationships with every child so that we get to know them personally and understand how to support and nurture them.

We work together as a family with every member of staff in the Nursery and Junior School taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the children in our care. This helps our children to develop vital personal qualities such as resilience and self-belief which will help them to deal with the challenges they encounter both in childhood and later as adults.

We offer regular parent consultations and our door is always open for parents to come in for a chat. We also provide an extensive range of workshops with child development experts, such as Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, to help give parents additional tools to support their children at home.

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ESMS was a pioneer with Digital Learning across the curriculum long before lockdown. Every classroom is fitted with interactive panels, we bring lessons to life using virtual reality headsets, iPads, laptops, PCs and Chromebooks. Support for Learning staff use a range of digital tools, such as the dictate function, to help level the playing field for children who benefit from different learning approaches.

Our Head of eLearning has been recognised on the 2020 Edtech 50 List for his pioneering use of educational technology and he works closely with all our Junior School colleagues to ensure our children are equipped with ‘future-ready’ skills.

Virtual reality is enabling us to enhance the learning experience of every child in the Schools, in a truly multi-sensory and immersive approach. Most children have to imagine what the Amazon looks and feels like but when our children study Rainforests in P3 they are able to use virtual reality to climb into the heart of a Rainforest. Our Head of eLearning is even able to explain the concept of psychosomatics when the children find themselves ‘feeling’ the heat and intense atmosphere of the Amazon.

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Every child is different and as a result, each will have their own preferred style and pace of learning. At ESMS our educational provision enables every child to achieve their full academic potential. The Support for Learning Department helps children of all intellectual abilities through small group teaching and in-class support. The type of support we offer is varied and flexible to allow us to address the needs of all our children.
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Every child is different and as a result, each will have their own preferred style and pace of learning. At ESMS our educational provision enables every child to achieve their full academic potential. The Support for Learning Department helps children of all intellectual abilities through small group teaching and in-class support. The type of support we offer is varied and flexible to allow us to address the needs of all our children.

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From Primary 4 we offer over 100 clubs and societies to provide children with opportunities to have fun, develop new talents and make new friends. We encourage pupils to take part in at least one activity but many join several. They range from Chess, Lego and Flashdance to Choir and Skiing.

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Our Dining Hall is one of the most popular rooms in the school cooking up delicious, nutritious meals for lunch every day. Our menus change every week, offering children lots of choice and all the nutrients they need. Meatballs, pasta napolitana, roast chicken and fish and chips are particular favourites in the Junior School. We introduce children to cooking from all over the world but we source 90% of our food from around Scotland, as sustainably as possible.

Specific individual dietary requirements are also catered for.
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Our children love lunchtime when hot meals are served in our new family-style dining rooms. The children eat and chat around a table, just as they would at home. Our menus encourage healthy eating and our staff sit down with the children at mealtimes to encourage good manners and foster a positive relationship with food.
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Our committed class teachers are our greatest asset. The passion they bring into school each day extends far beyond the curriculum, inspiring our children to be curious, innovative thinkers. Class teachers are also very involved in extra-curricular activities which creates the strong relationships you will see between the children and their teachers.

We also have a number of specialised staff in the Junior school including Music, Digital Learning, PE, French, Drama, Art and Outdoor Learning teachers.

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Our committed class teachers are our greatest asset. The passion they bring into school each day extends far beyond the curriculum, inspiring our children to be curious, innovative thinkers. Class teachers are also very involved in extra-curricular activities which creates the strong relationships you will see between the children and their teachers.

We also have a number of specialised staff in the Junior school including Music, Digital Learning, PE, French, Drama, Art and Outdoor Learning teachers.

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Science is taught throughout the Junior School from Nursery to Primary 7. By the time our children reach the top of the Junior School they are working in a Senior School Science laboratory with a qualified Senior School specialist teacher and technician.

The children learn how to use bunsen burners, test tubes and chemicals as well as how to be safe in laboratories. They are also taught about the differences between Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Amongst the scientific topics encountered in Primary 7 is a CSI Unit about stolen items and a ransom note! This incorporates scientific methods of study, including the analysis of hair samples and fingerprints as well as the use of chromatography to differentiate between different types of inks.

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The education we provide at ESMS Junior School is sector leading. Our broad curriculum gives children extraordinary opportunities to discover and develop their natural talents from the moment they join our Nursery.

We put traditional values and core skills, such as numeracy, reading, spelling, grammar and handwriting at the heart of our curriculum but we are also leading the way in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Our committed class teachers are our greatest asset. The passion they bring into school each day extends far beyond the curriculum, inspiring our children to be curious, innovative thinkers. In addition to Mathematics and English Language they also provide Art Lessons, Learning For Life and Topic Lessons which cover a range of Humanity subjects. Children are also taught by specialised staff for Music, Digital Learning, French, PE, Drama and Outdoor Learning. This approach allows us to introduce children to a range of new experiences from an early age.

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The education we provide at ESMS Junior School is sector leading. Our broad curriculum gives children extraordinary opportunities to excel. It is best described by our school tree which has our school values as its roots and three interconnected branches, representing the equal prominence we give to curricular, extra-curricular and pastoral care. We put traditional values, good handwriting, spelling and grammar at the heart of our curriculum but we are also leading the way in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Mathematics and Numeracy are taught as separate subjects and we integrate them where appropriate, including across the curriculum in areas such as mapping skills in Geography and spreadsheets in Digital Learning. We allocate children to broad ability sets in Mathematics from Primary 4 to help give children of all levels of mathematical ability confidence and competence in all areas of Mathematics and Numeracy.

Reading at ESMS is about much more than just decoding words. Children are taught to read aloud with fluency, to understand the importance of phonic knowledge and how to apply it. They are introduced to a variety of authors, including Shakespeare and a variety of styles and genres.

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Welcome to our Nursery. Based at our Ravelston site in the West End of Edinburgh, our Nursery girls and boys learn in a happy, caring, imaginative environment. Our superbly equipped Nursery is set in extensive, leafy grounds where the children have access to woodland areas, a maze and an orchard where children embrace outdoor learning.

We also make use of the grounds at Ravelston for PE, including our Sports Day, treasure hunts, Forest Kindergarten and Forest School.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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