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The Art rooms at Amherst are light and spacious. Studying Art and Textiles allows our students to explore their creativity, stretch their imagination, increase confidence in their own ideas and engage with a highly visual society.

Techniques often explored include painting, printmaking, 3D studies, photography, multimedia, surface decoration, batik, silk painting, fabric manipulation and fashion studies.
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Coach Park

Loughborough Schools Foundation run an extensive network of bus services on a range of routes extending across Leicestershire, South Nottinghamshire and South East Derbyshire. Bus passes are issued each term and can be booked using our online payment system. Each bus arrives and departs from the main car park at the front of the campus on the A6 Leicester Road.
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Forest School

The Forest School is a wonderful outdoor space on the Loughborough Schools Foundation campus which provides the children with opportunities for den building, vegetable growing, bird watching, campfire cooking, outdoor games, and storytime. Children dress appropriately and then walk to the site. On arrival they enjoy circle time where they are introduced to the activities. There is usually a combination of guided and free choice investigations and activities which are linked to topics being studied in the classroom. The children always enjoy a drink and a snack as part of each session.
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Hahn House

Hahn House is the Amherst Boarding House for the elite tennis players who are being educated at Amherst whilst they train at the LTA’s National Tennis Academy at Loughborough University. Hahn House is near to the University campus and so the players can be educated, train, sleep and eat, all in close proximity. Hahn House is well appointed with large, comfortable bedrooms and recreational facilities.

Hahn House is named after Sophie Hahn who is a former pupil of the School. Sophie is a para-sport athlete competing mainly in T38 sprint events. In 2013 she In 2013, she qualified for the Athletics World Championships selected for the T38 100m and 200m. She took the gold in the 100m sprint, setting a new world record in the process. In 2018, she won the gold medal in the T38 100m for women at the Commonwealth Games; in doing so she became the first female track and field athlete to hold gold medals in the same event from the World Championships, Paralympic Games, European Championships and Commonwealth Games.
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Hahn House

Hahn House is the Amherst Boarding House for the elite tennis players who are being educated at Amherst whilst they train at the LTA’s National Tennis Academy at Loughborough University. Hahn House is near to the University campus and so the players can be educated, train, sleep and eat, all in close proximity. Hahn House is well appointed with large, comfortable bedrooms and recreational facilities.

Hahn House is named after Sophie Hahn who is a former pupil of the School. Sophie is a para-sport athlete competing mainly in T38 sprint events. In 2013 she In 2013, she qualified for the Athletics World Championships selected for the T38 100m and 200m. She took the gold in the 100m sprint, setting a new world record in the process. In 2018, she won the gold medal in the T38 100m for women at the Commonwealth Games; in doing so she became the first female track and field athlete to hold gold medals in the same event from the World Championships, Paralympic Games, European Championships and Commonwealth Games.
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Headmaster’s Welcome

Our role at Amherst is not just to help children realise their academic potential. We also want to help every child in our School to find a profound sense of self-belief. At Amherst, we believe that young people with self-belief are not only happier in themselves, but are more able to show compassion to others and to use their talents to make the world a better place. We are dedicated to creating an environment where every pupil has the opportunity for long-term spiritual and moral growth, not to mention long-term happiness.

Mr James Neville

Headmaster’s Bio

Mr Neville is passionate about education and has a breadth of experience in middle and senior management positions in independent day, boarding and maintained schools.

Prior to joining Amherst as Headmaster in September 2023, he held senior leadership positions at St John’s College (Cardiff), Ratcliffe College and latterly English Martyrs’ Catholic School (Leicester).

Having read Modern History at Magdalen College Oxford, he went on to complete an MPhil at King’s College Cambridge, where he was a Choral Scholar in the world-famous choir.

He has experience as a school governor of both the maintained primary and 3-18 independent sectors. Mr Neville is a committed Catholic and is married with two children. His wider interests include history, music, current affairs, politics, architecture and travel.
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Main Lawn

In 1841, Lady Mary Arundell opened a small girls’ school in Paget House, Loughborough and persuaded Blessed Antonio Rosmini (1798-1855) to send religious sisters from Italy to set up a convent. In 1843, Sister Mary Francesca Parea and Sister Mary Anastasia Somonini took over and Our Lady’s Convent School opened in 1850 with the beautiful Convent building and Chapel at its core (designed by Charles Hanson who was influenced by Augustus Pugin). In 2015, the School joined Loughborough Schools Foundation and in 2018, the School rebranded to Loughborough Amherst School and became co-educational from 4-18 years in 2019.
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Music Classroom

By inspiring and encouraging all Loughborough Schools Foundation pupils throughout their school years, from pre-Prep through to Sixth Form, Music constantly remains a curriculum option for every pupil. From GCSE upwards, we give pupils the opportunity to focus on either Music or Music Technology, and our state-of-the-art facilities ensure they have access to first rate resources whichever they choose.
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Music Department Reception

The Music building is shared by over 2,000 musicians. There is always a buzz of real energy and vibrancy as colleagues and pupils alike share their musical passions. Thanks to the scale and ambition of the Loughborough Schools Music department, all pupils benefit from an amazing team of teachers who share their expertise. The teachers ignite a passion for music and inspire hard work and dedication so each pupil can be the best musician possible.

There are over 50 opportunities for pupils to play and perform; from choral to big band, chamber and orchestral, each child is centre-stage. It is all part of the Loughborough Schools Music offer that reflects our status as the only ‘All-Steinway School’ in the Midlands.
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Parkin Sports Centre

The purpose-built Parkin Sports Centre was opened in September 2019 and includes a multi-use sports hall, fitness suite with strength and cardio equipment, a dance studio and brand new changing rooms. The facility plays an important role in promoting sports participation among pupils, no matter what their age or ability, and the aim is to sow the seeds for a lifelong love of sport. The Sports Centre is a place that offers something for everyone, whether they want to compete to the highest level as an individual or member of a team, feel strong and capable, or simply try a sport for the first time.
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Prep School Classroom

Amherst Preparatory School provides a broad and balanced curriculum. Learning is tailored not only to the interests of the pupils but also to their personalised pace. Children are encouraged and challenged not only to learn but to also articulate their understanding. To equip children for the future, Amherst believes that children need to be prepared to be thinkers and the curriculum empowers this.
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Prep School Library

The Preparatory Library is extremely well stocked with books to support the curriculum from Reception to Year 6, as well as a variety of picture books and fiction to encourage the children’s love of learning before and after School. The Librarian leads a weekly storytelling and library sessions to engage readers. The Preparatory Library is computerised and is staffed each day for Library lessons and at lunchtimes.
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Prep School Reception

The Amherst Preparatory School offers a unique atmosphere that encourages pupils to find their inner confidence and voice. The Prep School is for girls and boys from 4 years and children join at different stages throughout the Primary years.

The philosophy in the Prep School is to create firm foundations in a happy, caring environment with traditional family values.
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Recital Hall

The purpose-built Music Building was opened in 2006 and includes performance spaces, classrooms and over 20 spacious instrumental teaching rooms. At the core of the impressive building is the Recital Hall, featuring excellent, adaptable acoustics, contemporary recording facilities and 130-capacity in tiered seating. Situated on the ground floor of our 3-storey building, this light and airy space is the heart and soul of School music.
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The compact and traditional dining room at Amherst has a modern and efficient kitchen serving two sittings each day. Our Chefs cater for a wide range of cultural, religious and dietary requirements. Our fresh meat suppliers are Halal registered and all catering staff, whatever their role in the kitchen, have an in-depth understanding of the importance of treating all requirements with reverence and respect, ensuring complete peace of mind for both parents and pupils.
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Science Lab

The Science building on the Amherst campus provides students with well-equipped labs to study the three Science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
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Sixth Form

The Amherst Sixth Form is a uniquely close-knit community of inspiring young men and women. The combination of being at the top of a small school and wider involvement with the rest of the Loughborough Schools Foundation campus of more than 2000 students, is highly beneficial.

Alongside the rich choice of extra-curricular activities, our Sixth Formers are also encouraged to take on leadership responsibilities which particularly suit their personalities, experiences and talents - from looking after younger pupils to organising charity events or acting as ambassadors for the School.
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Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is 22 metres in length and the facility provides Foundation pupils with the opportunity for swimming lessons and galas.
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The Chapel

The Chapel sits at the heart of Amherst life. More than one person has observed that the nurturing spirit of the School seems to be fused into its buildings and nowhere is that spirituality and warmth more evident than in the embrace of the Amherst Chapel.

Its design and construction was undertaken by Charles Hansen. Hansen, a rival of famous architect Augustus Pugin, was nonetheless influenced by Pugin’s belief that Gothic was the only true architecture for churches. Construction of the Convent building and associated Chapel was started in the late 1840s and completed in 1850.

The Chapel is in regular use for assemblies, choir practice, First Holy Communion and of course Mass, as well as presentations from visiting speakers.
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Social Feeds
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Social Feeds
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The Art rooms at Amherst are light and spacious. Studying Art and Textiles allows our students to explore their creativity, stretch their imagination, increase confidence in their own ideas and engage with a highly visual society.

Techniques often explored include painting, printmaking, 3D studies, photography, multimedia, surface decoration, batik, silk painting, fabric manipulation and fashion studies.
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Hahn House

Hahn House is the Amherst Boarding House for the elite tennis players who are being educated at Amherst whilst they train at the LTA’s National Tennis Academy at Loughborough University. Hahn House is near to the University campus and so the players can be educated, train, sleep and eat, all in close proximity. Hahn House is well appointed with large, comfortable bedrooms and recreational facilities.

Hahn House is named after Sophie Hahn who is a former pupil of the School. Sophie is a para-sport athlete competing mainly in T38 sprint events. In 2013 she In 2013, she qualified for the Athletics World Championships selected for the T38 100m and 200m. She took the gold in the 100m sprint, setting a new world record in the process. In 2018, she won the gold medal in the T38 100m for women at the Commonwealth Games; in doing so she became the first female track and field athlete to hold gold medals in the same event from the World Championships, Paralympic Games, European Championships and Commonwealth Games.
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Headmaster’s Welcome

Our role at Amherst is not just to help children realise their academic potential. We also want to help every child in our School to find a profound sense of self-belief. At Amherst, we believe that young people with self-belief are not only happier in themselves, but are more able to show compassion to others and to use their talents to make the world a better place. We are dedicated to creating an environment where every pupil has the opportunity for long-term spiritual and moral growth, not to mention long-term happiness.

Mr James Neville

About the Headmaster

Mr Neville is passionate about education and has a breadth of experience in middle and senior management positions in independent day, boarding and maintained schools.

Prior to joining Amherst as Headmaster in September 2023, he held senior leadership positions at St John’s College (Cardiff), Ratcliffe College and latterly English Martyrs’ Catholic School (Leicester).

Having read Modern History at Magdalen College Oxford, he went on to complete an MPhil at King’s College Cambridge, where he was a Choral Scholar in the world-famous choir.

He has experience as a school governor of both the maintained primary and 3-18 independent sectors. Mr Neville is a committed Catholic and is married with two children. His wider interests include history, music, current affairs, politics, architecture and travel.
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Main Lawn

In 1841, Lady Mary Arundell opened a small girls’ school in Paget House, Loughborough and persuaded Blessed Antonio Rosmini (1798-1855) to send religious sisters from Italy to set up a convent. In 1843, Sister Mary Francesca Parea and Sister Mary Anastasia Somonini took over and Our Lady’s Convent School opened in 1850 with the beautiful Convent building and Chapel at its core (designed by Charles Hanson who was influenced by Augustus Pugin). In 2015, the School joined Loughborough Schools Foundation and in 2018, the School rebranded to Loughborough Amherst School and became co-educational from 4-18 years in 2019.
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Prep School Classroom

Amherst Preparatory School provides a broad and balanced curriculum. Learning is tailored not only to the interests of the pupils but also to their personalised pace. Children are encouraged and challenged not only to learn but to also articulate their understanding. To equip children for the future, Amherst believes that children need to be prepared to be thinkers and the curriculum empowers this.
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Prep School Library

The Preparatory Library is extremely well stocked with books to support the curriculum from Reception to Year 6, as well as a variety of picture books and fiction to encourage the children’s love of learning before and after School. The Librarian leads a weekly storytelling and library sessions to engage readers. The Preparatory Library is computerised and is staffed each day for Library lessons and at lunchtimes.
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Prep School Reception

The Amherst Preparatory School offers a unique atmosphere that encourages pupils to find their inner confidence and voice. The Prep School is for girls and boys from 4 years and children join at different stages throughout the Primary years.

The philosophy in the Prep School is to create firm foundations in a happy, caring environment with traditional family values.
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The compact and traditional dining room at Amherst has a modern and efficient kitchen serving two sittings each day. Our Chefs cater for a wide range of cultural, religious and dietary requirements. Our fresh meat suppliers are Halal registered and all catering staff, whatever their role in the kitchen, have an in-depth understanding of the importance of treating all requirements with reverence and respect, ensuring complete peace of mind for both parents and pupils.
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Science Lab

The Science building on the Amherst campus provides students with well-equipped labs to study the three Science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
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Sixth Form

The Amherst Sixth Form is a uniquely close-knit community of inspiring young men and women. The combination of being at the top of a small school and wider involvement with the rest of the Loughborough Schools Foundation campus of more than 2000 students, is highly beneficial.

Alongside the rich choice of extra-curricular activities, our Sixth Formers are also encouraged to take on leadership responsibilities which particularly suit their personalities, experiences and talents - from looking after younger pupils to organising charity events or acting as ambassadors for the School.
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The Chapel

The Chapel sits at the heart of Amherst life. More than one person has observed that the nurturing spirit of the School seems to be fused into its buildings and nowhere is that spirituality and warmth more evident than in the embrace of the Amherst Chapel.

Its design and construction was undertaken by Charles Hansen. Hansen, a rival of famous architect Augustus Pugin, was nonetheless influenced by Pugin’s belief that Gothic was the only true architecture for churches. Construction of the Convent building and associated Chapel was started in the late 1840s and completed in 1850.

The Chapel is in regular use for assemblies, choir practice, First Holy Communion and of course Mass, as well as presentations from visiting speakers.
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Coach Park

Loughborough Schools Foundation run an extensive network of bus services on a range of routes extending across Leicestershire, South Nottinghamshire and South East Derbyshire. Bus passes are issued each term and can be booked using our online payment system. Each bus arrives and departs from the main car park at the front of the campus on the A6 Leicester Road.
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Forest School

The Forest School is a wonderful outdoor space on the Loughborough Schools Foundation campus which provides the children with opportunities for den building, vegetable growing, bird watching, campfire cooking, outdoor games, and storytime. Children dress appropriately and then walk to the site. On arrival they enjoy circle time where they are introduced to the activities. There is usually a combination of guided and free choice investigations and activities which are linked to topics being studied in the classroom. The children always enjoy a drink and a snack as part of each session.
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Hahn House

Hahn House is the Amherst Boarding House for the elite tennis players who are being educated at Amherst whilst they train at the LTA’s National Tennis Academy at Loughborough University. Hahn House is near to the University campus and so the players can be educated, train, sleep and eat, all in close proximity. Hahn House is well appointed with large, comfortable bedrooms and recreational facilities.

Hahn House is named after Sophie Hahn who is a former pupil of the School. Sophie is a para-sport athlete competing mainly in T38 sprint events. In 2013 she In 2013, she qualified for the Athletics World Championships selected for the T38 100m and 200m. She took the gold in the 100m sprint, setting a new world record in the process. In 2018, she won the gold medal in the T38 100m for women at the Commonwealth Games; in doing so she became the first female track and field athlete to hold gold medals in the same event from the World Championships, Paralympic Games, European Championships and Commonwealth Games.
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Music Classroom

By inspiring and encouraging all Loughborough Schools Foundation pupils throughout their school years, from pre-Prep through to Sixth Form, Music constantly remains a curriculum option for every pupil. From GCSE upwards, we give pupils the opportunity to focus on either Music or Music Technology, and our state-of-the-art facilities ensure they have access to first rate resources whichever they choose.
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Music Department Reception

The Music building is shared by over 2,000 musicians. There is always a buzz of real energy and vibrancy as colleagues and pupils alike share their musical passions. Thanks to the scale and ambition of the Loughborough Schools Music department, all pupils benefit from an amazing team of teachers who share their expertise. The teachers ignite a passion for music and inspire hard work and dedication so each pupil can be the best musician possible.

There are over 50 opportunities for pupils to play and perform; from choral to big band, chamber and orchestral, each child is centre-stage. It is all part of the Loughborough Schools Music offer that reflects our status as the only ‘All-Steinway School’ in the Midlands.
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Parkin Sports Centre

The purpose-built Parkin Sports Centre was opened in September 2019 and includes a multi-use sports hall, fitness suite with strength and cardio equipment, a dance studio and brand new changing rooms. The facility plays an important role in promoting sports participation among pupils, no matter what their age or ability, and the aim is to sow the seeds for a lifelong love of sport. The Sports Centre is a place that offers something for everyone, whether they want to compete to the highest level as an individual or member of a team, feel strong and capable, or simply try a sport for the first time.
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Recital Hall

The purpose-built Music Building was opened in 2006 and includes performance spaces, classrooms and over 20 spacious instrumental teaching rooms. At the core of the impressive building is the Recital Hall, featuring excellent, adaptable acoustics, contemporary recording facilities and 130-capacity in tiered seating. Situated on the ground floor of our 3-storey building, this light and airy space is the heart and soul of School music.
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Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is 22 metres in length and the facility provides Foundation pupils with the opportunity for swimming lessons and galas.
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T: 01509 263901

E: amherst.admissions@lsf.org

W: www.lsf.org/amherst

A: Loughborough Amherst School Gray Street
LE11 2DZ
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T: 01509 263901

E: amherst.admissions@lsf.org

W: www.lsf.org/amherst

A: Loughborough Amherst School Gray Street
LE11 2DZ
## Tour ### Description tour.description = We are delighted to offer prospective parents and visitors the opportunity to explore our wonderful grounds and well-equipped facilities ### Title tour.name = Loughborough Schools Foundation: Amherst School