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Nursery - Primary 3 PE
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Welcome to our Nursery. Based at our Ravelston site in the West End of Edinburgh, our Nursery girls and boys learn in a happy, caring, imaginative environment. Our superbly equipped Nursery is set in extensive, leafy grounds where the children have access to woodland areas, a maze and an orchard where children embrace outdoor learning.

We also make use of the grounds at Ravelston for PE, including our Sports Day, treasure hunts, Forest Kindergarten and Forest School.
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Outdoor Education
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Outdoor Education
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The Mar Hall
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What do you enjoy most about school?
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Outdoor Education
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Contact Us
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At ESMS we are sector leading when it comes to digital learning. Our Head of eLearning, Mr Luxford-Moore, was awarded a place on the 2020 EdTech 50 List in recognition of his pioneering use of educational technology to enhance learning within the schools and equip children with the 21st century skills they will need in the world ahead of them.

Virtual reality is used throughout the schools to enable us to enhance the learning experience of every child in a truly multi-sensory and immersive approach. From Biology lessons that virtually climb into the human eye, to see how the rods and cones function, to RMPS lessons that help pupils to experience and understand other cultures and religious festivals, the learning boundaries are endless.

Our effective use of EdTech allows children to use their strengths to overcome areas that they find challenging, helping to ‘level the playing field’ across the whole spectrum of learning, from immersive reading tools and dictation functions to mastering touch-typing.

During recent lockdowns our digital learning provision offered flexibility for families by combining pre-recorded lessons and reference material for families, hosted on Firefly and live lessons and pastoral calls on Teams.
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At MES diversity is celebrated and we go the extra mile to create a welcoming and caring environment for staff and pupils to work in. We have a plethora of extracurricular clubs and activities so that there is something to suit everyone. We are proud to fly our rainbow flag in our grounds and we were awarded our Gold LGBTQ+ Award last year.
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At The Mary Erskine School (MES) discrete sciences are taught to all pupils in S1, three times a week by the same teacher. When pupils move in to S2 they are taught by specialist teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, who are passionate about their subject and inspire many of our pupils to pursue a career in STEM.

From S2 pupils have the opportunity to explore the different sciences in more depth. In Chemistry they learn how reactions take place and factors that speed them up, as well as beginning to study mathematical aspects of Chemistry. In Biology they learn about life cycles including plants and animals before moving onto a Fit and Healthy topic. In Physics we look at Matters Matters, Energy in Action, Building a Body, Separating and Solutions, Forces and Movement and Life on Earth.

Across the three sciences lessons are based around gaining as much practical experience as possible and experiments are regularly carried out across every year group. All laboratories are well equipped, creating a rich learning experience.

Science is particularly popular among the girls at MES with 60 taking Higher Chemistry and 70 taking Higher Biology.
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At The Mary Erskine School we instil the belief that with hard work and commitment every child can fulfil their potential.

We follow the Scottish curriculum which is respected throughout the UK and internationally. We keep our timetabling flexible so that we can offer a wide range of subject combinations, enabling pupils to continue with the subjects that they enjoy. As they move up through the school they start to specialise, focusing on the areas which reflect their personal skills and passions. We are particularly proud of the fact that a large number of girls choose STEM
subjects at MES.

We have a traditional curriculum that provides children with a rounded education and the core knowledge, skills, experience and vocabulary they will need to excel in life and navigate the world in which they live. A culture of innovation runs through the school inspiring teachers and pupils to think differently and creatively.

Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental 'drop-ins' provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.

Our outcomes speak for themselves with strong results every year. ESMS students go on to study in universities all over the UK and across the world including St Andrews, Glasgow, University College London, London School of Economics, Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard.
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In the ESMS Sixth Form, our aim is to create a genuine pre-university experience for our co-educational community of students. This helps to prepare them for university and life beyond school. Students are divided into small tutor groups with a personal tutor who offers one to one advice and helps them to develop into independent, responsible and self-motivated students.

Our Sixth Form Centres provide excellent facilities across both school sites. The custom-built Common Rooms are ideal for reading, having coffee and meeting with friends and tutors. The Study Areas are quiet places for reading and research. Tutors also offer help with UCAS statements and preparing for university interviews

There are over a 100 clubs available to our S6 students, including sport, performing arts, student newspapers, pipe band, philosophy, coding, film-making, debating and photography (or you can even set up your own!)

All Sixth Formers are prefects to foster responsibility and leadership.
Our students make successful applications to a huge range of courses across the UK, North America and Europe – including Oxford Cambridge, Glasgow, Harvard, London School of Economics, and a huge range of other universities and conservatoires
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Music and drama are a huge part of life at The Mary Erskine School and we offer extensive opportunities for girls to perform, helping them to build their confidence and work as part of a team.

Beyond our timetabled classes we also have a lunchtime Drama Club, Stage, Sound and Lighting Club, Film-making club, three school choirs along with orchestras, chamber groups, madrigal groups and bands. One or two musicals are performed each session and our annual Senior School Musical involves over 100 pupils as members of the cast, orchestra or production crew. Recent shows have included West Side Story, Bugsy Malone and A Doll’s House. We also provide many opportunities for our pupils to perform in venues, including the Usher Hall, Greyfriars Kirk and St Mark’s Basilica in Venice.

Every year our pupils enjoy preparing for their 'Kaleidoscope' dance show which sees pupils from across the school, including some Stewart's Melville College pupils, perform many different dance styles.
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Our Dining Hall is one of the most popular rooms in the school cooking up delicious, nutritious meals for lunch every day. Our menus change every week, offering lots of choice and all the nutrients our girls need. Spaghetti Bolognese and the salad bar are particular favourites! We introduce our pupils to cooking from all over the world but we source 90% of our food from around Scotland, as sustainably as possible.

Specific individual dietary requirements are also catered for.
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Our boarding house, Dean Park House, is located on our Queensferry Road site in the grounds of Stewart’s Melville College. This means that boys who board with us have a few minutes’ walk to class each morning, and girls from S1-S6 are taken to and from The Mary Erskine School site at Ravelston by coach each day in a short journey time of around 5 minutes.

Dean Park House can accommodate up to 11 girls and 18 boys in separate, secure sleeping areas with separate floors for boys and girls which include their own toilet and washing facilities. No more than 5 children share spacious dorms, whilst every effort is made to ensure our S5 and Sixth Form students share with just one other or have their own study bedroom.

Our co-educational boarding arrangements create better opportunities for social interaction, strong academic support and a consistent and supportive ethos for all our boarders.
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The Lauriston Library at MES is not just a place to borrow books. It is a magical place that inspires our pupils to develop a life-long love of reading. The Library has a first-class collection of fiction and non-fiction resources and the Librarian and Library Assistant are always on hand to make recommendations and to help pupils find the information they need. Pupils are also entitled to borrow books from the Library, this is made possible by the online catalogue shared by the two libraries. Students can visit the Library throughout the day and there is an exciting programme of extra-curricular events such as author visits, competitions, the annual book sale. You can even become a Pupil Librarian!
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The Mary Erskine School has a thriving aquatics programme which allows every pupil to pursue their passion and fulfil their potential. We pride ourselves on our inclusive provision which caters for first time swimmers through to elite performers. We are incredibly proud of the Erskine Stewart’s Melville swimming teams. We host regular inter school swimming events in the 25m, five lane pool, which we share with Stewart’s Melville College. Swimmers can attend an early morning swimming session and an after school club is run by our dedicated PE staff and swimming captains. This club is hugely popular and caters for all levels of ability, ensuring the development of life skills necessary for water safety.
Over the years we have achieved outstanding results at District and National levels. In 2019 we were Silver Medallists in the Medley Relay at the renowned Bath Cup Independent School Relays competition at the Olympic Pool in London. In 2020, former Pupil Katie Goodburn competed with the GB junior swimming squad at the Ontario Junior International Meet in Toronto winning two gold medals.
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The Product Design department is a busy and inspiring place to be in school. Pupils have access to the latest tools, equipment and software including a laser cutter, 3D printer and CAD software.

Pupils work on design briefs to create everything from furniture, to packaging, models and lights using metals, plastics and wood and work end-to-end from the initiation to the delivery of the project.

A hugely popular project is our ‘Integrated Task’ design project. For 8 weeks in 2nd year the pupils work between the Home Economics and the Product Design departments. The experience successfully brings together all the skills learned during the first two years of secondary education. The pupils all work in design teams comprising of 4 ‘specialists’ – Graphics/IT, Product Design, Textiles or Food and Project Management. This integrated approach has often sparked the passion for these pupils to enter the world of the creative industries.

Former Pupils from the school have gone on to work in related fields such as Architecture and Interior Design, Multimedia Production and Product Design.
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The wellbeing of our pupils sits at the centre of everything we do and is a priority for every member of staff. We build close relationships so that all our pupils are known, nurtured and supported. We also have a strong and committed guidance team who help girls to find their voice and develop a true sense of identity. This whole school approach allows our pupils to thrive and equips them with the vital skills they need to manage life’s challenges.

Good mental health is a core part of our Pastoral Programme. This includes our Mental Health Ambassadors who attend a six-week training course to help them support younger pupils on a variety of issues. They provide lunchtime drop-ins where pupils can come and have a quiet chat.

Like all schools we have an anti-bullying policy but last year we went one step further and trained 12 Anti-bullying Ambassadors across all ages, who went on to lead assemblies and to encourage every pupil in the school to be an upstander and not a bystander.

For pupils who are particularly vulnerable we have Melanie, our highly trained, in-house school counsellor, who provides one on one support for all who need it.
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We believe that sport is for every pupil, whatever their skill level and appetite for competition. While we achieve remarkable success at a regional and national level our priority is to inspire a lifelong passion for physical exercise, within every girl, that will continue throughout their adult life.

The breadth of our sporting programme at MES enables every child to find a sport they love. The large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions.

Our team of physical education teachers are highly qualified with many having personal experience of competing for their country. Many of our specialist staff are also involved in national coaching roles. Together they cultivate a growth mindset culture, encouraging pupils to strive to improve and beat their personal best.
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We recently completed a refurb of our gym and added a professional strength and conditioning coach to support athlete development.
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Boarding House Senior Common Room
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Favourite Club at The Mary Erskine School
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Who inspires you most?
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Boarding House Senior Common Room
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Favourite Club at The Mary Erskine School
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Who inspires you most?
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At The Mary Erskine School we offer over 90 clubs and societies to give our pupils the opportunity to develop new talents and make new friends. We encourage pupils to take part in at least one activity but many join several. They range from Cross-country, Canoeing, Coding and Filmmaking to orchestras and bands. School Captain, Beccie, explains what her favourite club is at The Mary Erskine School.
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ESMS Principal, Mrs Linda Moule, explains why she believes the ESMS diamond structure is the best way to educate children.
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Every year the pupils at Mary Erskine perform dances in a variety of styles in their Kaleidoscope show and captivate the audience with their excellent choreography and storytelling skills.
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From S1 and S2 Projects Week and Carbisdale, our 8-day residential outdoor education programme, to organised trips sailing, surfing and climbing as well as Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, our pupils can explore nature, overcome physical challenges and develop skills, interests and friendships that last a lifetime.
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From S1 and S2 Projects Week and Carbisdale, our 8-day residential outdoor education programme, to organised trips sailing, surfing and climbing as well as Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, our pupils can explore nature, overcome physical challenges and develop skills, interests and friendships that last a lifetime.
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Music, drama and dance are all wonderful springboards for your daughter's creativity, and The Mary Erskine School's rich cultural life provides many opportunities for experimentation and fun. Unique experiences provide our girls with enjoyable ways to develop their skills and confidence.

Girls from The Mary Erskine School regularly perform as the official Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Choir:
· Over 600 senior boys and girls are actively involved on a regular basis in over 50 choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands
· Over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session

Our Music provision is varied from pipe bands to jazz bands, choirs and concert bands, it offers the opportunity for pupils to express themselves through music and to have fun whilst doing so.

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Music, drama and dance are all wonderful springboards for your daughter's creativity, and The Mary Erskine School's rich cultural life provides many opportunities for experimentation and fun. Unique experiences provide our girls with enjoyable ways to develop their skills and confidence.

· Over 600 senior boys and girls are actively involved on a regular basis in over 50 choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands
· Over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session

Our Music provision is varied from pipe bands to jazz bands, choirs and concert bands, it offers the opportunity for pupils to express themselves through music and to have fun whilst doing so.

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Senior pupils have access to a vibrant common room with kitchenette, Touch Table computer and Sony 62-inch curved Smart TV with Sky TV and Playstation 4. The communal areas for younger pupils include a television room, air hockey, pool and football tables as well as a computer room with internet as they wish. Music practice rooms are also available for the children to use.

All boarders automatically have membership to our Sports Centres, which include AstroTurf pitches, a 25m swimming pool and tennis, badminton and basketball courts. Boarders aged 16 and over can also use our state-of-the-art fitness suite.

At the weekends, boarders attend planned activities such as skiing, climbing, surfing, ten pin bowling and trips to the cinema. In their leisure time, the children can relax in purpose built break-out areas and relaxation spaces equipped with the entertainment technology children and teenagers appreciate.
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The Art department produces outstanding creative work using a variety of techniques and excellent facilities. This starts in the first two years of secondary school where Art and Design education are critical in the development of the young artist or designer. This is a time to capture their imagination, to encourage, motivate and inspire them to continue with their interest and understanding of Art and Design in the future.

As they move up through the school, our National 5 course integrates investigative and practical learning, and knowledge and understanding of art and design practice. In the course, pupils draw upon their understanding of artists’ and designers’ work and practice. They follow art and design processes to develop their own creative work. They also reflect on and evaluate their creative processes and the qualities of their expressive and design portfolios. If the girls decide to move on to Higher Art, it is learner-centred and includes investigative and practical learning opportunities with creativity the key focus. Pupils develop knowledge of art and design practice by studying artists and designers and their work. They also develop an understanding of expressive art and design processes and gain related skills. The course provides opportunities for pupils to be inspired and creatively challenged as they communicate their personal thoughts, ideas and feelings through their work.

All S5 and Sixth Form Art Specialists have the opportunity to produce, through the Fine Art A Level, sample work that can be included in a portfolio that will be presented for College application. Life Drawing is an essential component at this stage and links have been well established with Edinburgh College, Leith School of Art and Edinburgh College of Art to cater for this. In addition, the Department offers in-house Life Drawing and photography courses. These courses run out with the normal programme of study and should enable students to experiment with a range of materials.
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The Mary Erskine School's renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.
In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
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Watch one of our current pupils talk about how former pupil, Amy Costello, inspires her.
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Watch one of our pupils discuss what she enjoys most about The Mary Erskine School.
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We believe that sport is for every pupil, whatever their skill level and appetite for competition. While we achieve remarkable success at a regional and national level our priority is to inspire a lifelong passion for physical exercise, within every girl, that will continue throughout their adult life.

The breadth of our sporting programme at MES enables every child to find a sport they love. The large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions. A total of 72 teams represented The Mary Erskine School in 22 sports in the session prior to Covid-19 and were supported by 34 members of staff. A total of 348 girls represented the school in one or more of over 500 sports' fixtures against other schools.

Our team of physical education teachers are highly qualified with many having personal experience of competing for their country. Many of our specialist staff are also involved in national coaching roles. Together they cultivate a growth mindset culture, encouraging pupils to strive to improve and beat their personal best.
The Mary Erskine School also offers excellent sports facilities including a large swimming pool, tennis courts, cricket squares, hockey pitches and floodlit AstroTurfs.
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We have first class facilities for Music and the Performing Arts as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session.

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Head of School, Ms Nicholson, and School Captain, Beccie, welcome you to our virtual tour.
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The Mary Erskine School

We would love to show you around our School in person. Contact us at any time to have a chat or book a personal tour of our schools.

Contact our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Amanda Bryan, on +44 (0)131 347 5700, or email mesadmissions@esms.org.uk
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The Mary Erskine School

We would love to show you around our School in person. Contact us at any time to have a chat or book a personal tour of our schools.

Contact our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Amanda Bryan, on +44 (0)131 347 5700, or email mesadmissions@esms.org.uk
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At The Mary Erskine School we offer over 90 clubs and societies to give our pupils the opportunity to develop new talents and make new friends. We encourage pupils to take part in at least one activity but many join several. They range from Cross-country, Canoeing, Coding and Filmmaking to orchestras and bands. School Captain, Beccie, explains what her favourite club is at The Mary Erskine School.
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ESMS Principal, Mrs Linda Moule, explains why she believes the ESMS diamond structure is the best way to educate children.
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ESMS Principal, Mrs Linda Moule, explains why she believes the ESMS diamond structure is the best way to educate children.
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Every year the pupils at Mary Erskine perform dances in a variety of styles in their Kaleidoscope show and captivate the audience with their excellent choreography and storytelling skills.
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From S1 and S2 Projects Week and Carbisdale, our 8-day residential outdoor education programme, to organised trips sailing, surfing and climbing as well as Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, our pupils can explore nature, overcome physical challenges and develop skills, interests and friendships that last a lifetime.
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From S1 and S2 Projects Week and Carbisdale, our 8-day residential outdoor education programme, to organised trips sailing, surfing and climbing as well as Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, our pupils can explore nature, overcome physical challenges and develop skills, interests and friendships that last a lifetime.
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From S1 and S2 Projects Week and Carbisdale, our 8-day residential outdoor education programme, to organised trips sailing, surfing and climbing as well as Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, our pupils can explore nature, overcome physical challenges and develop skills, interests and friendships that last a lifetime.
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From S1 and S2 Projects Week and Carbisdale, our 8-day residential outdoor education programme, to organised trips sailing, surfing and climbing as well as Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, our pupils can explore nature, overcome physical challenges and develop skills, interests and friendships that last a lifetime.
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Head of School, Ms Nicholson, and School Captain, Beccie, welcome you to our virtual tour.
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Music, drama and dance are all wonderful springboards for your daughter's creativity, and The Mary Erskine School's rich cultural life provides many opportunities for experimentation and fun. Unique experiences provide our girls with enjoyable ways to develop their skills and confidence.

Girls from The Mary Erskine School regularly perform as the official Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Choir:
· Over 600 senior boys and girls are actively involved on a regular basis in over 50 choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands
· Over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session

Our Music provision is varied from pipe bands to jazz bands, choirs and concert bands, it offers the opportunity for pupils to express themselves through music and to have fun whilst doing so.

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Music, drama and dance are all wonderful springboards for your daughter's creativity, and The Mary Erskine School's rich cultural life provides many opportunities for experimentation and fun. Unique experiences provide our girls with enjoyable ways to develop their skills and confidence.

· Over 600 senior boys and girls are actively involved on a regular basis in over 50 choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands
· Over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session

Our Music provision is varied from pipe bands to jazz bands, choirs and concert bands, it offers the opportunity for pupils to express themselves through music and to have fun whilst doing so.

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Our Nine School Values lie at the heart of everything we do at ESMS: Integrity, Responsibility, Grace, Enthusiasm, Appreciation, Confidence, Commitment, Respect and Kindness. These Values are taught from Nursery and help to shape the characters of our children and to create the happy and positive environment of which we are so proud.
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Senior pupils have access to a vibrant common room with kitchenette, Touch Table computer and Sony 62-inch curved Smart TV with Sky TV and Playstation 4. The communal areas for younger pupils include a television room, air hockey, pool and football tables as well as a computer room with internet as they wish. Music practice rooms are also available for the children to use.

All boarders automatically have membership to our Sports Centres, which include AstroTurf pitches, a 25m swimming pool and tennis, badminton and basketball courts. Boarders aged 16 and over can also use our state-of-the-art fitness suite.

At the weekends, boarders attend planned activities such as skiing, climbing, surfing, ten pin bowling and trips to the cinema. In their leisure time, the children can relax in purpose built break-out areas and relaxation spaces equipped with the entertainment technology children and teenagers appreciate.
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The Art department produces outstanding creative work using a variety of techniques and excellent facilities. This starts in the first two years of secondary school where Art and Design education are critical in the development of the young artist or designer. This is a time to capture their imagination, to encourage, motivate and inspire them to continue with their interest and understanding of Art and Design in the future.

As they move up through the school, our National 5 course integrates investigative and practical learning, and knowledge and understanding of art and design practice. In the course, pupils draw upon their understanding of artists’ and designers’ work and practice. They follow art and design processes to develop their own creative work. They also reflect on and evaluate their creative processes and the qualities of their expressive and design portfolios. If the girls decide to move on to Higher Art, it is learner-centred and includes investigative and practical learning opportunities with creativity the key focus. Pupils develop knowledge of art and design practice by studying artists and designers and their work. They also develop an understanding of expressive art and design processes and gain related skills. The course provides opportunities for pupils to be inspired and creatively challenged as they communicate their personal thoughts, ideas and feelings through their work.

All S5 and Sixth Form Art Specialists have the opportunity to produce, through the Fine Art A Level, sample work that can be included in a portfolio that will be presented for College application. Life Drawing is an essential component at this stage and links have been well established with Edinburgh College, Leith School of Art and Edinburgh College of Art to cater for this. In addition, the Department offers in-house Life Drawing and photography courses. These courses run out with the normal programme of study and should enable students to experiment with a range of materials.
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The Mary Erskine School's renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.
In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
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Watch one of our current pupils talk about how former pupil, Amy Costello, inspires her.
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Watch one of our pupils discuss what she enjoys most about The Mary Erskine School.
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We believe that sport is for every pupil, whatever their skill level and appetite for competition. While we achieve remarkable success at a regional and national level our priority is to inspire a lifelong passion for physical exercise, within every girl, that will continue throughout their adult life.

The breadth of our sporting programme at MES enables every child to find a sport they love. The large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions. A total of 72 teams represented The Mary Erskine School in 22 sports in the session prior to Covid-19 and were supported by 34 members of staff. A total of 348 girls represented the school in one or more of over 500 sports' fixtures against other schools.

Our team of physical education teachers are highly qualified with many having personal experience of competing for their country. Many of our specialist staff are also involved in national coaching roles. Together they cultivate a growth mindset culture, encouraging pupils to strive to improve and beat their personal best.
The Mary Erskine School also offers excellent sports facilities including a large swimming pool, tennis courts, cricket squares, hockey pitches and floodlit AstroTurfs.
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We have first class facilities for Music and the Performing Arts as well as professional teachers and specialists who help our children to tackle demanding pieces of music, plays and shows.

Across our schools, over 40 concerts, musicals, dance events and dramatic productions are held every session.

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ESMS Principal, Mrs Linda Moule, explains why she believes the ESMS diamond structure is the best way to educate children.
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Most of our PE is taught outside in the fresh air by specialist teachers from the Nursery onwards. Our goal is to inspire children to enjoy being active. The PE programme focuses on learning to move and moving to learn by developing fundamental movement patterns and core skills and applying them to a variety of games contexts. In addition to the physical skills the children learn they also gain confidence and interpersonal skills by working as a team.
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Our Nine School Values lie at the heart of everything we do at ESMS: Integrity, Responsibility, Grace, Enthusiasm, Appreciation, Confidence, Commitment, Respect and Kindness. These Values are taught from Nursery and help to shape the characters of our children and to create the happy and positive environment of which we are so proud.
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We would love to show you around our School in person. Contact us at any time to have a chat or book a personal tour of our schools.

Contact our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Amanda Bryan, on +44 (0)131 347 5700, or email mesadmissions@esms.org.uk
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At ESMS we are sector leading when it comes to digital learning. Our Head of eLearning, Mr Luxford-Moore, was awarded a place on the 2020 EdTech 50 List in recognition of his pioneering use of educational technology to enhance learning within the schools and equip children with the 21st century skills they will need in the world ahead of them.

Virtual reality is used throughout the schools to enable us to enhance the learning experience of every child in a truly multi-sensory and immersive approach. From Biology lessons that virtually climb into the human eye, to see how the rods and cones function, to RMPS lessons that help pupils to experience and understand other cultures and religious festivals, the learning boundaries are endless.

Our effective use of EdTech allows children to use their strengths to overcome areas that they find challenging, helping to ‘level the playing field’ across the whole spectrum of learning, from immersive reading tools and dictation functions to mastering touch-typing.

During recent lockdowns our digital learning provision offered flexibility for families by combining pre-recorded lessons and reference material for families, hosted on Firefly and live lessons and pastoral calls on Teams.
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At MES diversity is celebrated and we go the extra mile to create a welcoming and caring environment for staff and pupils to work in. We have a plethora of extracurricular clubs and activities so that there is something to suit everyone. We are proud to fly our rainbow flag in our grounds and we were awarded our Gold LGBTQ+ Award last year.
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At The Mary Erskine School (MES) discrete sciences are taught to all pupils in S1, three times a week by the same teacher. When pupils move in to S2 they are taught by specialist teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, who are passionate about their subject and inspire many of our pupils to pursue a career in STEM.

From S2 pupils have the opportunity to explore the different sciences in more depth. In Chemistry they learn how reactions take place and factors that speed them up, as well as beginning to study mathematical aspects of Chemistry. In Biology they learn about life cycles including plants and animals before moving onto a Fit and Healthy topic. In Physics we look at Matters Matters, Energy in Action, Building a Body, Separating and Solutions, Forces and Movement and Life on Earth.

Across the three sciences lessons are based around gaining as much practical experience as possible and experiments are regularly carried out across every year group. All laboratories are well equipped, creating a rich learning experience.

Science is particularly popular among the girls at MES with 16 pupils taking Higher Physics, 60 taking Higher Chemistry and 70 taking Higher Biology.
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At The Mary Erskine School (MES) discrete sciences are taught to all pupils in S1, three times a week by the same teacher. When pupils move in to S2 they are taught by specialist teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, who are passionate about their subject and inspire many of our pupils to pursue a career in STEM.

From S2 pupils have the opportunity to explore the different sciences in more depth. In Chemistry they learn how reactions take place and factors that speed them up, as well as beginning to study mathematical aspects of Chemistry. In Biology they learn about life cycles including plants and animals before moving onto a Fit and Healthy topic. In Physics we look at Matters Matters, Energy in Action, Building a Body, Separating and Solutions, Forces and Movement and Life on Earth.

Across the three sciences lessons are based around gaining as much practical experience as possible and experiments are regularly carried out across every year group. All laboratories are well equipped, creating a rich learning experience.

Science is particularly popular among the girls at MES with 16 pupils taking Higher Physics, 60 taking Higher Chemistry and 70 taking Higher Biology.
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At The Mary Erskine School (MES) discrete sciences are taught to all pupils in S1, three times a week by the same teacher. When pupils move in to S2 they are taught by specialist teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, who are passionate about their subject and inspire many of our pupils to pursue a career in STEM.

From S2 pupils have the opportunity to explore the different sciences in more depth. In Chemistry they learn how reactions take place and factors that speed them up, as well as beginning to study mathematical aspects of Chemistry. In Biology they learn about life cycles including plants and animals before moving onto a Fit and Healthy topic. In Physics we look at Matters Matters, Energy in Action, Building a Body, Separating and Solutions, Forces and Movement and Life on Earth.

Across the three sciences lessons are based around gaining as much practical experience as possible and experiments are regularly carried out across every year group. All laboratories are well equipped, creating a rich learning experience.

Science is particularly popular among the girls at MES with 60 taking Higher Chemistry and 70 taking Higher Biology.
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At The Mary Erskine School we instil the belief that with hard work and commitment every child can fulfil their potential.

We follow the Scottish curriculum which is respected throughout the UK and internationally. We keep our timetabling flexible so that we can offer a wide range of subject combinations, enabling pupils to continue with the subjects that they enjoy. As they move up through the school they start to specialise, focusing on the areas which reflect their personal skills and passions. We are particularly proud of the fact that a large number of girls choose STEM
subjects at MES.

We have a traditional curriculum that provides children with a rounded education and the core knowledge, skills, experience and vocabulary they will need to excel in life and navigate the world in which they live. A culture of innovation runs through the school inspiring teachers and pupils to think differently and creatively.

Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental 'drop-ins' provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.

Our outcomes speak for themselves with strong results every year. ESMS students go on to study in universities all over the UK and across the world including St Andrews, Glasgow, University College London, London School of Economics, Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard.
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In the ESMS Sixth Form, our aim is to create a genuine pre-university experience for our co-educational community of students. This helps to prepare them for university and life beyond school. Students are divided into small tutor groups with a personal tutor who offers one to one advice and helps them to develop into independent, responsible and self-motivated students.

Our Sixth Form Centres provide excellent facilities across both school sites. The custom-built Common Rooms are ideal for reading, having coffee and meeting with friends and tutors. The Study Areas are quiet places for reading and research. Tutors also offer help with UCAS statements and preparing for university interviews

There are over a 100 clubs available to our S6 students, including sport, performing arts, student newspapers, pipe band, philosophy, coding, film-making, debating and photography (or you can even set up your own!)

All Sixth Formers are prefects to foster responsibility and leadership.
Our students make successful applications to a huge range of courses across the UK, North America and Europe – including Oxford Cambridge, Glasgow, Harvard, London School of Economics, and a huge range of other universities and conservatoires
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Music and drama are a huge part of life at The Mary Erskine School and we offer extensive opportunities for girls to perform, helping them to build their confidence and work as part of a team.

Beyond our timetabled classes we also have a lunchtime Drama Club, Stage, Sound and Lighting Club, Film-making club, three school choirs along with orchestras, chamber groups, madrigal groups and bands. One or two musicals are performed each session and our annual Senior School Musical involves over 100 pupils as members of the cast, orchestra or production crew. Recent shows have included West Side Story, Bugsy Malone and A Doll’s House. We also provide many opportunities for our pupils to perform in venues, including the Usher Hall, Greyfriars Kirk and St Mark’s Basilica in Venice.

Every year our pupils enjoy preparing for their 'Kaleidoscope' dance show which sees pupils from across the school, including some Stewart's Melville College pupils, perform many different dance styles.
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Our Dining Hall is one of the most popular rooms in the school cooking up delicious, nutritious meals for lunch every day. Our menus change every week, offering lots of choice and all the nutrients our girls need. Spaghetti Bolognese and the salad bar are particular favourites! We introduce our pupils to cooking from all over the world but we source 90% of our food from around Scotland, as sustainably as possible.

Specific individual dietary requirements are also catered for.
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Our boarding house, Dean Park House, is located on our Queensferry Road site in the grounds of Stewart’s Melville College. This means that boys who board with us have a few minutes’ walk to class each morning, and girls from S1-S6 are taken to and from The Mary Erskine School site at Ravelston by coach each day in a short journey time of around 5 minutes.

Dean Park House can accommodate up to 11 girls and 18 boys in separate, secure sleeping areas with separate floors for boys and girls which include their own toilet and washing facilities. No more than 5 children share spacious dorms, whilst every effort is made to ensure our S5 and Sixth Form students share with just one other or have their own study bedroom.

Our co-educational boarding arrangements create better opportunities for social interaction, strong academic support and a consistent and supportive ethos for all our boarders.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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Teaching at ESMS is delivered by passionate and well qualified teachers and all classes have access to excellent resources to ensure that every pupil is able to reach their potential. On some occasions pupils can require additional support which we are always pleased to offer. Departmental ‘drop-ins’ provide one to one or small group support while our Support for Learning department works with pupils across both MES and SMC. This specialist support is provided through in-class support and small group teaching.
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The Lauriston Library at MES is not just a place to borrow books. It is a magical place that inspires our pupils to develop a life-long love of reading. The Library has a first-class collection of fiction and non-fiction resources and the Librarian and Library Assistant are always on hand to make recommendations and to help pupils find the information they need. Pupils are also entitled to borrow books from the Library, this is made possible by the online catalogue shared by the two libraries. Students can visit the Library throughout the day and there is an exciting programme of extra-curricular events such as author visits, competitions, the annual book sale. You can even become a Pupil Librarian!
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The Mary Erskine School has a thriving aquatics programme which allows every pupil to pursue their passion and fulfil their potential. We pride ourselves on our inclusive provision which caters for first time swimmers through to elite performers. We are incredibly proud of the Erskine Stewart’s Melville swimming teams. We host regular inter school swimming events in the 25m, five lane pool, which we share with Stewart’s Melville College. Swimmers can attend an early morning swimming session and an after school club is run by our dedicated PE staff and swimming captains. This club is hugely popular and caters for all levels of ability, ensuring the development of life skills necessary for water safety.
Over the years we have achieved outstanding results at District and National levels. In 2019 we were Silver Medallists in the Medley Relay at the renowned Bath Cup Independent School Relays competition at the Olympic Pool in London. In 2020, former Pupil Katie Goodburn competed with the GB junior swimming squad at the Ontario Junior International Meet in Toronto winning two gold medals.
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The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C0EBC057_E1A0_A717_419C_02F620438A6E_mobile.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C3326340_E1A0_A969_41DF_62719CB682A0.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C0D4805A_E1A0_A719_41DF_3C5B6F15C192.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C2114412_E1E1_AEE9_41EA_B89C02709225.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
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The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C3093A9E_E1A0_9B19_41BC_1125F36549B3.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C0C813FB_E1A0_E91F_41E0_402BEA3E500B_mobile.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C2123414_E1E1_AEE9_41E3_51C462441B09.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C0EBC057_E1A0_A717_419C_02F620438A6E.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C335233D_E1A0_A91B_41E8_825183404BD4_mobile.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C3093A9E_E1A0_9B19_41BC_1125F36549B3_mobile.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C0D4805A_E1A0_A719_41DF_3C5B6F15C192_mobile.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C2123414_E1E1_AEE9_41E3_51C462441B09_mobile.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C0C813FB_E1A0_E91F_41E0_402BEA3E500B.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_C335233D_E1A0_A91B_41E8_825183404BD4.html =
The Mary Erskine School’s renowned Hockey programme for girls includes 32 teams from P5 to S6. Twelve of our pupils are currently representing their country in Hockey and former pupil Amy Costello was part of the Great Britain hockey squad who travelled to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

The school has two full size astro hockey pitches, two grass hockey pitches and a junior sized astro hockey pitch. Our PE teachers include former internationalists. They are passionate about their sport and inspire the girls to challenge themselves and reach their potential.

In 2019/2020 the 1st XI were Scottish Cup champions and were undefeated for the entire season.
HTMLText_95B162CB_C3C6_9079_41C3_04D27CA9CA4E.html =
The Product Design department is a busy and inspiring place to be in school. Pupils have access to the latest tools, equipment and software including a laser cutter, 3D printer and CAD software.

Pupils work on design briefs to create everything from furniture, to packaging, models and lights using metals, plastics and wood and work end-to-end from the initiation to the delivery of the project.

A hugely popular project is our ‘Integrated Task’ design project. For 8 weeks in 2nd year the pupils work between the Home Economics and the Product Design departments. The experience successfully brings together all the skills learned during the first two years of secondary education. The pupils all work in design teams comprising of 4 ‘specialists’ – Graphics/IT, Product Design, Textiles or Food and Project Management. This integrated approach has often sparked the passion for these pupils to enter the world of the creative industries.

Former Pupils from the school have gone on to work in related fields such as Architecture and Interior Design, Multimedia Production and Product Design.
HTMLText_FC9E7241_E161_AB6B_41E1_A8978A6AD449.html =
The wellbeing of our pupils sits at the centre of everything we do and is a priority for every member of staff. We build close relationships so that all our pupils are known, nurtured and supported. We also have a strong and committed guidance team who help girls to find their voice and develop a true sense of identity. This whole school approach allows our pupils to thrive and equips them with the vital skills they need to manage life’s challenges.

Good mental health is a core part of our Pastoral Programme. This includes our Mental Health Ambassadors who attend a six-week training course to help them support younger pupils on a variety of issues. They provide lunchtime drop-ins where pupils can come and have a quiet chat.

Like all schools we have an anti-bullying policy but last year we went one step further and trained 12 Anti-bullying Ambassadors across all ages, who went on to lead assemblies and to encourage every pupil in the school to be an upstander and not a bystander.

For pupils who are particularly vulnerable we have Melanie, our highly trained, in-house school counsellor, who provides one on one support for all who need it.
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We believe that sport is for every pupil, whatever their skill level and appetite for competition. While we achieve remarkable success at a regional and national level our priority is to inspire a lifelong passion for physical exercise, within every girl, that will continue throughout their adult life.

The breadth of our sporting programme at MES enables every child to find a sport they love. The large number of teams we provide means that every child who wants to play a particular sport has the opportunity to be part of a team and play in competitions.

Our team of physical education teachers are highly qualified with many having personal experience of competing for their country. Many of our specialist staff are also involved in national coaching roles. Together they cultivate a growth mindset culture, encouraging pupils to strive to improve and beat their personal best.
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We recently completed a refurb of our gym and added a professional strength and conditioning coach to support athlete development.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
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