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Oxfordshire Countryside and The Chilterns

Queen Anne’s is perfectly located to discover the great outdoors and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. Queen Anne’s girls can often be found exploring the nearby Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on regular expeditions for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
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Oxfordshire Countryside and The Chilterns

Queen Anne’s is perfectly located to discover the great outdoors and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. Queen Anne’s girls can often be found exploring the nearby Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on regular expeditions for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
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Our home in Caversham. On the north bank of the River Thames, Caversham is a small town brimming with independent cafes, restaurants and shops. Recently voted one of the ‘Top places to live in Berkshire’ by Muddy Stilettos, the town provides easy access to the bustling centre of Reading, and the trainline into London, as well as plenty of open green spaces and a family-friendly vibe. Queen Anne’s girls can often be spotted walking into Caversham on ‘town leave’ after school and at the weekends.
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Our home in Caversham. On the north bank of the River Thames, Caversham is a small town brimming with independent cafes, restaurants and shops. Recently voted one of the ‘Top places to live in Berkshire’ by Muddy Stilettos, the town provides easy access to the bustling centre of Reading, and the trainline into London, as well as plenty of open green spaces and a family-friendly vibe. Queen Anne’s girls can often be spotted walking into Caversham on ‘town leave’ after school and at the weekends.
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Heathrow Airport

Queen Anne’s campus is a beautiful and inspiring setting, occupying 35 acres just north of the River Thames, near Reading and Henley-on-Thames. The school has excellent transport links to the M4 and M40 and is easily accessible from London and the main airports.
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Heathrow Airport

Queen Anne’s campus is a beautiful and inspiring setting, occupying 35 acres just north of the River Thames, near Reading and Henley-on-Thames. The school has excellent transport links to the M4 and M40 and is easily accessible from London and the main airports.
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Just 15 minutes from Queen Anne’s School is the historic market town Henley-on-Thames. This riverside town boasts a rich array of independent shops, restaurants and galleries and is known internationally as home to one of the world’s top rowing events - the Henley Royal Regatta.
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Just 15 minutes from Queen Anne’s School is the historic market town Henley-on-Thames. This riverside town boasts a rich array of independent shops, restaurants and galleries and is known internationally as home to one of the world’s top rowing events - the Henley Royal Regatta.
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Reading -> London Paddington in just 26 minutes
Reading -> London Waterloo in 1 hour

Reading is a thriving University town with excellent transport links across Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. The riverside shopping area with bars, restaurants and cinema provide a fun and vibrant centre. while a variety of small music, drama and comedy venues offer a lively arts and culture scene. Reading is home to global giants Microsoft and Oracle and is the commercial hub for the Thames Valley, offering outstanding opportunities for Queen Anne’s girls to engage with industry experts.
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Reading -> London Paddington in just 26 minutes
Reading -> London Waterloo in 1 hour

Reading is a thriving University town with excellent transport links across Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. The riverside shopping area with bars, restaurants and cinema provide a fun and vibrant centre. while a variety of small music, drama and comedy venues offer a lively arts and culture scene. Reading is home to global giants Microsoft and Oracle and is the commercial hub for the Thames Valley, offering outstanding opportunities for Queen Anne’s girls to engage with industry experts.
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Queen Anne’s School, Henley
Road, Caversham, Berkshire RG4 6DX



01189 187 300
School Office

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Queen Anne’s School, Henley
Road, Caversham, Berkshire RG4 6DX



01189 187 300
School Office

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Each room has two single beds, plenty of storage and desk space. For the first term the girls are allocated rooms but later students can request who they want to be in a room with. Girls are encouraged to bring posters and home comforts to make the space their own. Every day Matron checks each room to make sure it is clean and tidy. If it is, you will be placed on the “Tidy rooms list” for which there are rewards!


A varied and nutritious food menu is freshly cooked by top school caterers Thomas Franks. Michell boarders have breakfast in the house dining room from Monday to Saturday. Sunday boarders enjoy brunch in the main restaurant on Sunday mornings. Lunch and supper are held in the main restaurant.

Example menu
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Rooms vary by House and are a mix of single, double, triple and quad rooms. Girls are encouraged to bring items from home to decorate their rooms.


A varied and nutritious food menu is freshly cooked by top school caterers Thomas Franks. Lower 5 and Upper 5 girls have their meals in the main restaurant except for Friday and Saturday dinner when they are able to either cook for themselves or order takeaway. Sixth Form students attend breakfast in café 6 each week day. The Sixth Form students have the privilege of cooking more regularly but must attend dinner in the main restaurant in Tuesday and Thursday evening.

Senior boarders have breakfast in the house dining room from Monday to Saturday. Sunday boarders enjoy brunch in the main restaurant on Sunday mornings. Lunch and supper are held in the main restaurant.

Example menu

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Each Boarding House is run by experienced House Parents and they are supported by Deputy House Parents, Matrons and Graduate Assistants.

Ms Tuckwell is the Housemistress for Wilkins House and she also teaches Wellbeing. She lives with her partner Phil along with Venus (a beautiful Golden retriever) and Betty (a little 3-legged rescue kitty). Ms Tuckwell has a wellbeing area in her office and is ready to support girls who need to pop in for some chillout time on the sofa.

Mrs Page-White is the Housemistress for Maddock and she also teaches PE. She lives with her husband Seb. No matter what the occasion Mrs Page-White is there to support the girls through challenges and also to celebrate their achievements. In her spare time she likes to play Netball and Hockey and is training for a Half Marathon.

Miss Rutherford is the Housemistress for Holmes while Mrs Ormerod is on maternity leave. She teaches PE and is a rower. You will often see her on her bike or running with Molly the dog. Miss Rutherford is always available for a catch up over a hot chocolate and piece of cake!
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Michell is run by experienced Queen Anne’s House Parents Mr and Mrs Blunt. Mr and Mrs Blunt have three grown-up daughters and two Spingerdoodles, Coco and Crumpet, who enjoy nothing more than having fun with the Michell girls!

“We love working at Queen Anne’s School and consider it a huge privilege to look after the Michell girls. Nothing is more important to us than the safety, happiness and wellbeing of the girls. We will support you in all areas of life and will always give you that extra bit of encouragement to help you reach your full potential!”

Mr and Mrs Blunt

Supporting Mr and Mrs Blunt is a dedicated team of House Staff including Deputy Housemistress, Matrons and Graduate Assistants.
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Welcome to Michell House - the base for Junior Boarding at Queen Anne’s.

“We are great because of the girls who live in Michell. The girls look after each other, and encourage each other to do their best in every aspect of school life. We have outstanding individuals who inspire others in drama, public speaking, music, sport and so on. We value everyone as much for their effort and personality as for their individual attainment.”

Mr and Mrs Blunt, Michell House Parents
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Welcome to Senior Boarding at Queen Anne’s! There are three Senior Boarding Houses – Holmes, Wilkins and Maddock. Boarders are appointed to a house in Lower 5 (Year 10) and stay in this House through their GCSE and A-Level years until the end of Upper 6 (Year 13).

“A home away from home where young women are encouraged to become responsible and independent thinkers who will make a meaningful difference in the world around them.” Ms Tuckwell, Wilkins Housemistress
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The Senior Boarding Houses are in the hub of activity in the centre of the school campus. Each House has a comfortable ‘sit’ (a big living-room) where the girls meet for House meetings, socialising, watching movies, playing on the Wii console or simply relaxing with their ‘House family’.

There is a Prep Room with printer and computers available as well as a desk in the bedrooms. There is a well-equipped kitchen in each House for girls to hang out with friends, cook meals together or catch up over a hot chocolate!
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This idyllic retreat is tucked away at the end of the school field and provides a safe and happy home-from-home for Lower 4s (year 7), 4s (year 8) and Upper 4s (year 9).

The stunning outdoor areas offer girls the chance to spend time in nature and play together with their ‘House family’. From bonfire nights and stargazing to cricket matches and swing-ball, there is always something to keep our younger Queen Anne’s girls entertained.

Inside, there is a huge ‘sit’ (a big living-room) where the girls meet for House meetings, parties and to hang out with friends. In the evening the ‘House family’ can sometimes be found sharing pizza together cosy in the sit. In the smaller ‘sit’ the girls enjoy films and quiet time and there is also a Games Room complete with Wii console and pool table. There is a well-equipped kitchen for girls to hang out with friends, cook meals together or catch up over a hot chocolate! Finally, there are prep rooms for the girls to be able to complete their studies.
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Located on the top floor of the science block, the biology Greenhouse is brimming with plants ready to be used for experiments. The most common plant grown in the greenhouse is Geraniums, with variegated and non-variegated leaves, these plants are used in photosynthesis experiments, testing for starch and they are also used to show transpiration by using a potometer and cloning to produce new plants. A-Level biologists often use the greenhouse for practicals, such as the germination of maize seeds, allowing the class to investigate phototropism.

Under the watchful eye of biology technician Mrs Szulc, the Greenhouse is kept free of undesirable insects. To ensure this, no plants are brought in from outside, therefore consistent stock levels are achieved through planting cuttings.
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During the school day each year group has use of a Day House Sit – a big living room where day and boarders alike can socialise and relax. Each Day House also has dedicated study areas and kitchen facilities.
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‘Man’s best friend’ is never far away at Queen Anne’s School! There are several dogs that live onsite in the boarding houses and many that come to school with staff in the day.
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Through its partnership with educational neuroscience research programme, BrainCanDo, Queen Anne’s School uses innovative teaching methods and empathetic environments to stimulate learning, whilst building confidence and resilience.

Educational neuroscience influences every aspect of the school, from the Sixth Form centre that could be mistaken for a Google office, to the themed breakout spaces, cool café and tech-filled study pods.

And the caring support of the wellbeing programme includes regular behavioural screening to identify and address any issues at an early stage. In the words of Pastoral Lead and Deputy Head Lindsey Bryant: “If we get the girls wellbeing right, we will set them on the right path to becoming healthy and happy adults.”

BrainCanDo is leading the way in harnessing the power of psychology and neuroscience to enrich teaching and learning, with focus on the critical period of development and growth in the adolescent brain. By working with academics, BrainCanDo develops and translates the latest neuroscientific, evidence-based research in to teaching practise. Best practices are shared through training, resources and publications for teachers, parents and students; BrainCanDo seeks to collaborate with already skilled teaching professionals to facilitate the implementation of a neuroscientific framework in their own educational contexts. Find out more at braincando.com.
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Founded in 1894, Queen Anne’s School is steeped in history and tradition. In 1968 eight merchants set up The Grey Coat Hospital, a free boarding school for boys in Westminster. The school’s governors later purchased the site that became Queen Anne’s. Girls admitted to Queen Anne’s were taught useful trades such as needlework and were helped in finding a job; much has changed since then, as students at Queen Anne’s are encouraged to find their passions, whether academic studies, sports, music or the creative arts.

Today Queen Anne’s is a part of the United Westminster Grey Coat Foundation, a group of prestigious schools whose students benefit from inter-foundation activities. There is a deep feeling of loyalty and belonging at Queen Anne’s, with generations of families attending the school.

The iconic red cloaks are worn by the students on special occasions including the biennial Westminster Abbey Service. Other long-standing traditions such as the receiving of gingerbread for the student’s journey home are still honoured today.
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The state-of-the-art Music Mac Suite is used within academic lessons and for co-curricular activities. Students have the freedom to explore the best music production software applications including Logic Pro and Sibelius.
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Students can record and mix music of all genres to a professional standard with state-of-the-art recording studio and top editing software. In 2020 the Music Department launched a regular podcast called ‘QA Sounds ‘allowing students to produce recordings which are showcased through SoundCloud, for everyone to enjoy.
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Every parent of a Queen Anne’s student is a member of the Queen Anne’s School Parents’ Association (QASPA). The QASPA Committee is a friendly and active group of parents and staff that organises events that bring the school community together, raise funds and promote the school.
Parents can often be found huddled around the coffee hut during lacrosse matches – a perfect way to meet other parents!
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The Restaurant is a busy area of the school where specialist school caterers, Thomas Franks, feed hungry students and staff daily. A menu of freshly cooked, nutritious food which has been procured from high-quality suppliers provides the students with choice and variety. Breakfast and dinner are enjoyed in the Restaurant by the boarders; food allergies, intolerances and requirements are catered for excellently. The QAS Food Committee is run by students and gives the girls the ability to voice their opinions on what they wish to be included in the menus.
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The beautifully elegant Taylor Hall is located just off St Cecelia’s Recital Hall, within the Scott Music Centre. It is used regularly during academic lessons and individual music lessons. Students are often found in Taylor Hall during lunchtimes and after school practising together and perfecting their instruments. It is a wonderful space for concerts and recitals, its raised stage area provides students with a performance space to proudly showcase their talents.
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"Alongside outstanding academic grades, our girls care deeply about the world around them and ahead of them. We encourage them to explore all the possibilities: in the classroom, on the playing field, on the stage, behind the easel or anywhere else that their talents might take them.
We combine an excellent curriculum, after school clubs and activities with a strong pastoral programme to ensure that, along with outstanding academic preparation, the girls gain complementary skills that allow them to step confidently into the real world.” Elaine Purves, Headmistress

We hope the virtual tour offers you an insight into our facilities and a taste of life at Queen Anne’s. There is no substitute for a real visit, and we recommend that you book into one of our Open Events or arrange a personal tour.
Our usual entry points are 11+, 13+ and 16+; however we welcome applications for other year groups. The Admissions Team would be delighted to discuss your individual situation.

Website: qas.org.uk
Tel: +44(0)118 918 7333
Email: admissions@qas.org.uk
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Each year the Art Department invites visiting artists to share their expertise with students. The School recently welcomed artist Greg Humphries for an ambitious three-day workshop exploring environmental art. Every year, Queen Anne’s Sixth Form art students travel to St. Ives to work with Greg Humphries, but for this project Greg brought his creativity to Caversham.

The girls were amused to find boats filled with stacks of willow in water propped up against the Elliot Art Building on Tuesday morning. All of the art materials were grown in five woodlands in Cornwall, managed by the artist himself. They had been stored and soaked in order to keep their natural strength and flexibility before the students were let loose on the creation.

Under the enthusiastic guidance of Greg Humphries, our girls manipulated the willow into a giant curve structure representative of the organic forms found in nature.
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Each room has two single beds, plenty of storage and desk space. For the first term the girls are allocated rooms but later students can request who they want to be in a room with. Girls are encouraged to bring posters and home comforts to make the space their own. Every day Matron checks each room to make sure it is clean and tidy. If it is, you will be placed on the “Tidy rooms list” for which there are rewards!


A varied and nutritious food menu is freshly cooked by top school caterers Thomas Franks. Michell boarders have breakfast in the house dining room from Monday to Saturday. Sunday boarders enjoy brunch in the main restaurant on Sunday mornings. Lunch and supper are held in the main restaurant.

Example menu
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Rooms vary by House and are a mix of single, double, triple and quad rooms. Girls are encouraged to bring items from home to decorate their rooms.


A varied and nutritious food menu is freshly cooked by top school caterers Thomas Franks. Lower 5 and Upper 5 girls have their meals in the main restaurant except for Friday and Saturday dinner when they are able to either cook for themselves or order takeaway. Sixth Form students attend breakfast in café 6 each week day. The Sixth Form students have the privilege of cooking more regularly but must attend dinner in the main restaurant in Tuesday and Thursday evening.

Senior boarders have breakfast in the house dining room from Monday to Saturday. Sunday boarders enjoy brunch in the main restaurant on Sunday mornings. Lunch and supper are held in the main restaurant.

Example menu

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Each Boarding House is run by experienced House Parents and they are supported by Deputy House Parents, Matrons and Graduate Assistants.

Ms Tuckwell is the Housemistress for Wilkins House and she also teaches Wellbeing. She lives with her partner Phil along with Venus (a beautiful Golden retriever) and Betty (a little 3-legged rescue kitty). Ms Tuckwell has a wellbeing area in her office and is ready to support girls who need to pop in for some chillout time on the sofa.

Mrs Page-White is the Housemistress for Maddock and she also teaches PE. She lives with her husband Seb. No matter what the occasion Mrs Page-White is there to support the girls through challenges and also to celebrate their achievements. In her spare time she likes to play Netball and Hockey and is training for a Half Marathon.

Miss Rutherford is the Housemistress for Holmes while Mrs Ormerod is on maternity leave. She teaches PE and is a rower. You will often see her on her bike or running with Molly the dog. Miss Rutherford is always available for a catch up over a hot chocolate and piece of cake!
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Michell is run by experienced Queen Anne’s House Parents Mr and Mrs Blunt. Mr and Mrs Blunt have three grown-up daughters and two Spingerdoodles, Coco and Crumpet, who enjoy nothing more than having fun with the Michell girls!

“We love working at Queen Anne’s School and consider it a huge privilege to look after the Michell girls. Nothing is more important to us than the safety, happiness and wellbeing of the girls. We will support you in all areas of life and will always give you that extra bit of encouragement to help you reach your full potential!”

Mr and Mrs Blunt

Supporting Mr and Mrs Blunt is a dedicated team of House Staff including Deputy Housemistress, Matrons and Graduate Assistants.
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Welcome to Michell House - the base for Junior Boarding at Queen Anne’s.

“We are great because of the girls who live in Michell. The girls look after each other, and encourage each other to do their best in every aspect of school life. We have outstanding individuals who inspire others in drama, public speaking, music, sport and so on. We value everyone as much for their effort and personality as for their individual attainment.”

Mr and Mrs Blunt, Michell House Parents
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Welcome to Senior Boarding at Queen Anne’s! There are three Senior Boarding Houses – Holmes, Wilkins and Maddock. Boarders are appointed to a house in Lower 5 (Year 10) and stay in this House through their GCSE and A-Level years until the end of Upper 6 (Year 13).

“A home away from home where young women are encouraged to become responsible and independent thinkers who will make a meaningful difference in the world around them.” Ms Tuckwell, Wilkins Housemistress
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The Senior Boarding Houses are in the hub of activity in the centre of the school campus. Each House has a comfortable ‘sit’ (a big living-room) where the girls meet for House meetings, socialising, watching movies, playing on the Wii console or simply relaxing with their ‘House family’.

There is a Prep Room with printer and computers available as well as a desk in the bedrooms. There is a well-equipped kitchen in each House for girls to hang out with friends, cook meals together or catch up over a hot chocolate!
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This idyllic retreat is tucked away at the end of the school field and provides a safe and happy home-from-home for Lower 4s (year 7), 4s (year 8) and Upper 4s (year 9).

The stunning outdoor areas offer girls the chance to spend time in nature and play together with their ‘House family’. From bonfire nights and stargazing to cricket matches and swing-ball, there is always something to keep our younger Queen Anne’s girls entertained.

Inside, there is a huge ‘sit’ (a big living-room) where the girls meet for House meetings, parties and to hang out with friends. In the evening the ‘House family’ can sometimes be found sharing pizza together cosy in the sit. In the smaller ‘sit’ the girls enjoy films and quiet time and there is also a Games Room complete with Wii console and pool table. There is a well-equipped kitchen for girls to hang out with friends, cook meals together or catch up over a hot chocolate! Finally, there are prep rooms for the girls to be able to complete their studies.
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Located on the top floor of the science block, the biology Greenhouse is brimming with plants ready to be used for experiments. The most common plant grown in the greenhouse is Geraniums, with variegated and non-variegated leaves, these plants are used in photosynthesis experiments, testing for starch and they are also used to show transpiration by using a potometer and cloning to produce new plants. A-Level biologists often use the greenhouse for practicals, such as the germination of maize seeds, allowing the class to investigate phototropism.

Under the watchful eye of biology technician Mrs Szulc, the Greenhouse is kept free of undesirable insects. To ensure this, no plants are brought in from outside, therefore consistent stock levels are achieved through planting cuttings.
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During the school day each year group has use of a Day House Sit – a big living room where day and boarders alike can socialise and relax. Each Day House also has dedicated study areas and kitchen facilities.
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‘Man’s best friend’ is never far away at Queen Anne’s School! There are several dogs that live onsite in the boarding houses and many that come to school with staff in the day.
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Through its partnership with educational neuroscience research programme, BrainCanDo, Queen Anne’s School uses innovative teaching methods and empathetic environments to stimulate learning, whilst building confidence and resilience.

Educational neuroscience influences every aspect of the school, from the Sixth Form centre that could be mistaken for a Google office, to the themed breakout spaces, cool café and tech-filled study pods.

And the caring support of the wellbeing programme includes regular behavioural screening to identify and address any issues at an early stage. In the words of Pastoral Lead and Deputy Head Lindsey Bryant: “If we get the girls wellbeing right, we will set them on the right path to becoming healthy and happy adults.”

BrainCanDo is leading the way in harnessing the power of psychology and neuroscience to enrich teaching and learning, with focus on the critical period of development and growth in the adolescent brain. By working with academics, BrainCanDo develops and translates the latest neuroscientific, evidence-based research in to teaching practise. Best practices are shared through training, resources and publications for teachers, parents and students; BrainCanDo seeks to collaborate with already skilled teaching professionals to facilitate the implementation of a neuroscientific framework in their own educational contexts. Find out more at braincando.com.
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Founded in 1894, Queen Anne’s School is steeped in history and tradition. In 1968 eight merchants set up The Grey Coat Hospital, a free boarding school for boys in Westminster. The school’s governors later purchased the site that became Queen Anne’s. Girls admitted to Queen Anne’s were taught useful trades such as needlework and were helped in finding a job; much has changed since then, as students at Queen Anne’s are encouraged to find their passions, whether academic studies, sports, music or the creative arts.

Today Queen Anne’s is a part of the United Westminster Grey Coat Foundation, a group of prestigious schools whose students benefit from inter-foundation activities. There is a deep feeling of loyalty and belonging at Queen Anne’s, with generations of families attending the school.

The iconic red cloaks are worn by the students on special occasions including the biennial Westminster Abbey Service. Other long-standing traditions such as the receiving of gingerbread for the student’s journey home are still honoured today.
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The state-of-the-art Music Mac Suite is used within academic lessons and for co-curricular activities. Students have the freedom to explore the best music production software applications including Logic Pro and Sibelius.
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Students can record and mix music of all genres to a professional standard with state-of-the-art recording studio and top editing software. In 2020 the Music Department launched a regular podcast called ‘QA Sounds ‘allowing students to produce recordings which are showcased through SoundCloud, for everyone to enjoy.
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Every parent of a Queen Anne’s student is a member of the Queen Anne’s School Parents’ Association (QASPA). The QASPA Committee is a friendly and active group of parents and staff that organises events that bring the school community together, raise funds and promote the school.

Parents can often be found huddled around the coffee hut during lacrosse matches – a perfect way to meet other parents!
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The Restaurant is a busy area of the school where specialist school caterers, Thomas Franks, feed hungry students and staff daily. A menu of freshly cooked, nutritious food which has been procured from high-quality suppliers provides the students with choice and variety. Breakfast and dinner are enjoyed in the Restaurant by the boarders; food allergies, intolerances and requirements are catered for excellently. The QAS Food Committee is run by students and gives the girls the ability to voice their opinions on what they wish to be included in the menus.
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The beautifully elegant Taylor Hall is located just off St Cecelia’s Recital Hall, within the Scott Music Centre. It is used regularly during academic lessons and individual music lessons. Students are often found in Taylor Hall during lunchtimes and after school practising together and perfecting their instruments. It is a wonderful space for concerts and recitals, its raised stage area provides students with a performance space to proudly showcase their talents.
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"Alongside outstanding academic grades, our girls care deeply about the world around them and ahead of them. We encourage them to explore all the possibilities: in the classroom, on the playing field, on the stage, behind the easel or anywhere else that their talents might take them.
We combine an excellent curriculum, after school clubs and activities with a strong pastoral programme to ensure that, along with outstanding academic preparation, the girls gain complementary skills that allow them to step confidently into the real world.” Elaine Purves, Headmistress

We hope the virtual tour offers you an insight into our facilities and a taste of life at Queen Anne’s. There is no substitute for a real visit, and we recommend that you book into one of our Open Events or arrange a personal tour.
Our usual entry points are 11+, 13+ and 16+; however we welcome applications for other year groups. The Admissions Team would be delighted to discuss your individual situation.

Website: qas.org.uk
Tel: +44(0)118 918 7333
Email: admissions@qas.org.uk
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Each year the Art Department invites visiting artists to share their expertise with students. The School recently welcomed artist Greg Humphries for an ambitious three-day workshop exploring environmental art. Every year, Queen Anne’s Sixth Form art students travel to St. Ives to work with Greg Humphries, but for this project Greg brought his creativity to Caversham.

The girls were amused to find boats filled with stacks of willow in water propped up against the Elliot Art Building on Tuesday morning. All of the art materials were grown in five woodlands in Cornwall, managed by the artist himself. They had been stored and soaked in order to keep their natural strength and flexibility before the students were let loose on the creation.

Under the enthusiastic guidance of Greg Humphries, our girls manipulated the willow into a giant curve structure representative of the organic forms found in nature.
## Tour ### Cookies Policy CookiesPolicy_BAFFBD98_9CDD_F766_41DE_65DD06FA3A61.url = https://www.qas.org.uk/terms ### Description tour.description = Navigate the school through an immersive 360 tour of our fantastic facilities ### Title tour.name = Queen Anne’s School Virtual Tour